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Sophia's eyes flutter open when she feels soft kisses being placed on her nape. A hand rubs up and down her side, making Sophia sigh in content. She closes her eyes again, enjoying the sweet little time she has with Ethan before he has to go to work later. Sophia loves moments like these and wish that they could last forever. Though like they say — whoever 'they' are — "nothing good lasts forever."

"Goodmorning, baby," Ethan greets with his raspy morning voice that always sends shivers down Sophia's spine. She hums and lets Ethan move her hair around.

"'Morning," she turns to face him. Ethan is staring at her through his half-lidded eyes, sleep weighing his eyelids down. Sophia shuffles closer to her lover, burying her head in his chest. She nearly falls asleep again, just listening to Ethan's steady heartbeat, if it weren't for the other's phone going off.

"Hello?" Sophia hears Ethan answer, knowing immediately that he has to go right after. "I'll be right there." Ethan says, letting go of his grasp on Sophia. He opens his mouth to tell her but she knows, she does.

"Just go," and with that, Ethan takes a quick shower, throws on an Armani suit, and leaves. Sophia grumbles, wrapping herself in blankets and cuddling a pillow. Sophia understands that Ethan is doing this for her, for their future children and their children. Though she can't help but think about how the pillows and blankets wouldn't leave her.


Sophia sits on the couch, taking small bites of the slice of coffee cake in front of her and flushing them down with an iced mocha. She just returned from a small cafe down the street where they happened to be selling what she was feeling. Feeling as in what she wanted to eat.

After Ethan left, she fell asleep again, deciding that that was a good choice as she feels amazing and glowing now. Sophia is taking a day off, just an idea that Ethan agreed to. Sure, he'll miss seeing her in his office or her office but if she wants to take a day off, then she can. For Pete's sake, she doesn't even need to work! Ethan has the financial part of their lives taken care of. Now that it was mentioned in Sophia's mind, she thinks she might have seen a "Help Wanted" sign at the cute little cafe she was just at. She shrugs, keeping the suggestion somewhere in her mind for later and gets up to take a relaxing bath.

Sophia walks past the door but stops when she hears knocking. Sighing, she turns around and goes to check who it is. Opening the door just a crack, she peeks through to see a man standing there. One she does not want to see ever again. Shawn. Immediately, Sophia goes to close the door but unfortunately, Shawn stops it her from doing so. Sophia pushes and Shawn pushes, each fighting to either open the door or close it. The shorter lets go and moves away from the door, making Shawn fall from the sudden removal of force.

"What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?" Sophia questions the other, folding her arms across her chest. She looks back to the first day they met again and all the days following it. Could he have possibly followed her back any of those days? She bites the insides of her mouth, waiting for the male in front of her to recover and answer. Shawn sits up, twiddling his fingers— a habit of his since Sophia left— and starts to answer her questions.

"I just wanted to talk without you running away. You can't really run away from your own home, which is nice, by the way. How'd you get it? Was it for s—"

"Shawn, stop trying to change the subject. How did you find out where I live?" Sophia asks, frustrated that he was trying to avoid the last question. What was so bad about it anyway? It wasn't like Sophia would start beating him to a pulp for it.

"I kind of, sort of, followed you home," he scratches the back of his neck, standing up after. She pushes him back down, an incredulous look on her face. So my suspicions were correct?

"Okay, but how did you get past security?" She asks with much confusion. Those boys downstairs were supposed to be top notch people. They were supposed to ask her if he could go in and visit. They were supposed to protect her, oh goodness. What if Shawn was some murderer coming to get her? What was she supposed to do then because trust me when I say she isn't that strong. Sure, she works out with Ethan some weekends, though that doesn't mean she has the power to protect herself against some murderer. Sophia has to have a talk with the security guards and Ethan later.

"I'm Shawn Mendes," he smiles at her, cheekily. She looks straight at him, cold and icy eyes burning through his skull and a frown deeply etched into her face. "Can we talk now?"

"You want closure? Fine. Talk." Sophia commands, walking back to the couch while Shawn continues to lie on the floor near the doorway. He gets up, closes the door, and follows her actions, sitting on the chair across from her, seeing that he's allowed to. He examines the penthouse that they're sitting in. The walls are lined with polaroids and regular glossy pictures of Sophia and another man, the same man he saw sitting across from her at the restaurant from the other night. "If you're not going to, can you leave?" Sophia asks, looking beyond annoyed. Shawn's attention snaps back to her and he mutters something incoherent before talking. Talking about what happened in the past and how much he's sorry for it. Sophia is okay with it. Things happen for a reason and she's fine with it. That doesn't mean that she is all besties with Shawn again, hell no.


gag after today there will be 16 days left until summer ends and school starts. maybe I should move to oregon... they ended school late but they start later than here as well ;)

okay wow ignore me!!!! let's talk about the story, let's talk about this chapter. what did you think about it? I was looking back at my chapters from before and I feel like my writing has changed a lot nfonjfs that's fine by me though aha. so, shawn and sophia, yeah? they gonna get back together??? well I mean probably nfandk this is a sequel about shawn ffs

pokemon go: AnnaWuuHuu
tumblr: EXOutlines
starpop: AegiChen

thank you for reading! much love!


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