1 - Since the Accident (ShAya)

154 3 6

Shipping: ShizukaxAya
Type: Sad
Word Count: 1028
Summary: After Ami's death and Erie's departure, Shizuka and Aya talk for the first time in months.


You know that feeling when someone very close to you dies? Especially if they're so young, too young to die? They had so much to live for, yet their life was taken way too early. Or if someone you were close to left in any way. And that alone feeling you have?

Yeah, I have that. But the thing is I lost two people instead of one.

Ami died in a car accident on our way home from a concert. Some idiot pulled out in front of us, and she was sitting in the passenger seat because she was asleep and we didn't want to wake her with our talking. I remembered it like it just happened yesterday. The way she jerked awake and her head hit the window pretty hard. It left a huge crack, which split into many others.

When the van stopped moving, I clawed my way out of the seatbelt. I broke some nails along the way, but I didn't care. Ami was badly hurt and needed help.

"Ami?" I called, moving up beside her. "Ami, please talk to me!"

She turned her head so her big brown eyes would look into mine. She had blood coming from her head, and I hastily wiped it away. She just has to be okay, I thought to myself. She cannot die!

"Shizuka..." Was all she said before she closed her eyes again. She breathing slowed and I began to panic.

"Ami? Ami don't leave me! AMI...!"

She died shortly after. The group and our fans were so sad and down. Everybody who knew Ami knew she was a bright, cheerful person and that she would never hurt a fly.

The three of us, including our manager, who drove, were hospitalized. I remember listening to Aya and Erie cry, and I tried so hard not to cry as well. But I failed. And I silently cried myself to sleep every night.

"Well...it looks like you're the leader again," our manager told us once we were back home.

I shook my head. "Don't say that," I said in a shaky voice. "I don't want to be the leader."

She shook her head and sighed. "I'm so sorry, Shizuka."

"It's not a group anymore! Without Ami, we're just...three girls singing."

At that point, Erie walked up to us. She held bags in each of her hands. "I'm leaving..."

After Erie left, it tore Aya and I to pieces. She stayed in her room all the time, not coming out to see the light of day. I felt like I couldn't do anything. I couldn't eat anything because I would throw it back up. I couldn't sleep because I'd see Ami looking at me with her dead eyes.

I woke up, crying from the nightmare many times, and it drove Aya from her room. She'd sit there and comfort me, and we'd end up asleep, clinging to each other.

"Shizuka?" I heard Aya call one day.

I looked up from my hands to see Aya at my door. Bags were at her feet, she looked defeated.

"Come on, we have to go."

"What?" I asked.

"We're leaving. Didn't you pack?"

I shook my head. Why are we leaving? I was never told we would leave.

Aya sighed. "I'll ask someone to get your things. Now let's go."


"To our families. We can't stay here anymore, Shizuka. It has too many memories...I can't do this. You can't do this. You wake up crying at night over Ami. Erie couldn't even do it! She's the strongest of us both physically and emotionally, but she broke down in front of us! If we stay any longer, it'll ruin us."

"But...I just can't leave...This has been my home for years, Aya. I'm not strong enough to just leave it behind."

Aya sighed, then came to sit by me on my bed. She slipped her arm around mine and held my hand. I felt her eyes take me in, since it was the first time we paid attention to each other in months.

"You've lost weight. This isn't healthy."

"I don't care," I growled. "You're not taking me away."

"You're talking nonsense now. We. Need. To. Go. Now."

"I'm not leaving!"

Aya glared at me, and I glared back at her. We stayed like this for a few moments before she sighed and looked away. But I watched as she began to wipe her eyes and sniffle.

"Shizuka, you're gonna die. You're depressed, you're not getting sunlight, you're losing weight...If you stay here any longer, you'll die too. And I don't want that. I love you so much, Shizuka. You can't leave me!"

Aya looked up at me with watery eyes. I only stared at her as she wiped her tears and spoke again. "I already lost two friends. We both did. We have to stick together, Shizuka."

"You'll have Erie."

She cried even harder. "No, we don't. She...she...Erie overdosed. She overdosed on painkillers. It's just us, Shizuka. If you leave me, I'll be all alone. And I won't be able to handle that. Please? Please come with me?"

She laid her head on my shoulder, her red locks covering her face. As if my arm had a mind of its own, it went up to stroke her head.

"Please, Shizuka! I'm begging you!"

I felt her grip tighten on my hand, but I didn't mind. No physical pain could compare to the emotional one I've had ever since the car crash.

"Okay," I found myself saying.

Aya raised her head to look into my eyes. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She gave me a small smile. "A car will be here soon. I'll tell someone to collect your things. I found us an apartment together."

"I thought we were staying--"

"Just temporarily. Unless you want to live together."

Aya looked away. "I'm so--"

"Its fine. Can I...Can I just say good-bye to this place?"

Aya nodded and got up to leave. When I heard her footsteps leave, I looked at the pill bottle on my nightstand. I wonder how many Erie had took...

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