3 - The Favor (ShErie)

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Shipping: ShizukaxErie
Type: Slight Angst, Mainly Fluff
Word Count: 970
Summary: Your character is caught shoplifting. The shop owner says that she won't call the police in exchange for a personal favor....


"Ready?" Aya asked me, sliding on her sunglasses.

"Ready," I confirmed, doing the same.

We walked into the store, hanging our heads. I was beyond nervous. What if we got caught?

But Aya's done this many times before, and she's never been caught. So who's to say today will be the day?

We split up. Unfortunately, it was only us two today. I wanted to tell Aya to abort the mission, but she was too far away.

I went up to a loaf of bread and put my hand on it. But before I could pick it up, someone grabbed my wrist.

A girl about my age stood there. She definitely wasn't Aya, so I gulped. The girl had black hair pulled into a ponytail. She had blue eyes and freckles dusted her cheeks and nose. If I wasn't so terrified, I'd say she was pretty.

"I hope a pretty girl like yourself wasn't going to shoplift. Were you?" She asked.

I couldn't open my mouth to say anything. I was caught!

"Who are you?" I heard her ask, but she was looking behind me.

I turned to see Aya standing there. "Can I ask you the same?"

"I'm Erie, the owner of this place. Now, are you a friend of hers?" The raven beauty nodded at me.

Aya sighed. "Oh, Shizuka."

"Shizuka, eh? Shoplifting buddies. Interesting."

I finally found my voice again. "You're not calling the police on us, are you?" I asked.

Erie took a good look at both of us. "No. As long as you do something for me."

"Anything!" I couldn't have shoplifting on my permanent record! It would ruin me!

"Go on a date with me," she boldly said.

What? "What?"

"You're beautiful. I want to go on a date with you. Just you and I."

"Wow, straight to the point," Aya commented.


"Since I know both of your names, you'll have to accept or I'll turn you two in."

I looked at Aya for help. She just shrugged. Thanks a lot, best friend. "How bad can it be?"

My eyes found Erie's blue ones. I really don't want to..."Fine..."


Aya zipped the back of my dress up. Then she spun me around so I could face her.

I had on a black dress that reached my knees. It was mainly plain, except for the lace patterns going down my arm. My hair was pulled to the side, and I wore diamond jewelry.

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