2 - Green Eyes (ShizAmi)

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Shipping: AmixShizuka
Type: Fluff
Word count: 1652
Summary: After seeing Shizuka for the first time, Ami develops a crush on her. As time goes on, she begins to fall in love with her, until one night she makes a mistake.


I nervously stood against the wall of the hallway. I was auditioning for a girl group they were starting, and I was beyond nervous. Would I be good enough?

My eyes glanced at every girl in there. They're so pretty. Was I pretty enough?

I fumbled with my portfolio in my hands. I wish I wasn't so nervous. But I'm sure all the girls here are better than me. Why was I even here?

Oh yeah. To show everybody who doubted me that I can do this. That I can and will get in. Like my life depended on it.

"Hi there!"


A shorter girl popped up in front of me, smiling. Her brown eyes shined with excitement.

"I didn't mean to startle you. You're auditioning too?" She asked.

I nodded. "I am."

"Cool! Hey, have you noticed you're really tall?"

I blushed and looked away. I knew I was tall. It was one of the reasons I was teased. I was one of the tallest girls at school. And now that I look around, all the other girls were shorter than me. What if I didn't get picked because I'm too tall?

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. You're just so tall. I wish I could be that tall."

"You really don't. My height has given me problems in school. I was teased because of it."

The girl frowned. "Well that's not nice. Anyways, I'm Takamoto Aya."

She held her hand out, and I hesitantly took it. "Nakashima Ami."

At the same time, I heard a guy's voice call out, "Nakashima Ami!"

"Good luck!" Aya wished as I went inside the door.


I quickly left the room, smiling to myself. Aya was still there, and she hopped up and ran to me.

"How was it?" She excitedly asked. Was she like this all the time?

"I think I did good," I replied, smiling still.

"I hope we both get in! I know you will, you can dance really good."

Again, I blushed. "Thank you."

The same guy's voice called, "Nishida Shizuka!"

A girl stood up and walked inside, and all I could do was stare. She's so beautiful. Her eyes were green, which I immediately thought was my favorite part about her. They showed how excited, yet nervous, she was. And she walked with such grace, she must've took a dance class. And the smile she wore was just adorable.

I hope we both get in, I thought to myself.


A few days later, I skipped into the building of my new home for years to come. I made it in! Was all I could think. That and about the Shizuka girl I saw on audition day. I hope she made it.

I entered the room of seven other girls, talking amongst themselves. As soon as I closed the door, I heard a squeal, and someone jump on me.

"Ami, you're back! I knew you would be! You were just too good to not have come back!" Aya exclaimed before hopping off me.

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