7 - Secret (DoIshii)

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Shipping: DobashiKaedexIshiiAnna
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 638
Summary: Kaede goes to meet her secret girlfriend, Anna.


As I walked down the hallway after our E-girls performance, I texted Suda Anna.

Me: Where are you???

Anna-chan♥: The very last door on left

I put my phone up and walked down the hall in a very fast pace. A few members walked the opposite way, and we exchanged smiles. But what I wanted to get to was the girl hiding in a closet.

Finally, I got to the door and I glanced both ways before slipping inside. I felt a hand grab me on the front of my shirt and pull me all the way inside. A foot closed the door behind me, and I was pressed against the door.

"Took you long enough," she whispered in my ear.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Had to get away from everyone else first."

"I don't like waiting, Dobashi," she growled, and I raised an eyebrow.

Without warning, I flipped us over so she would be on the door. My hand fumbled around until I found a light switch, and I flipped it on. Anna looked up at me with a cute grin on her face.

"How are you talking to like that?" I questioned.

"Nobody," she quickly said.

"Mhm. That's what I thought."

Then I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. I couldn't ignore the spark that ran through my veins from the small contact. Anna had an affect on me, somehow.

Oh, right. Because she's my secret girlfriend. Yes, we're supposed to keep our relationships quiet, but we kept our even quieter. So quiet nobody in any unit of E-girls knew. We snuck around at night to spend time with each other, and when we didn't have work, we'd go out.

It started when I began looking at Anna differently. I denied myself that I didn't like her, but then I had developed a crush on the young girl. She's just so cute and fun to be around. I tried to resist it, but it got hard when she confessed that she loved me. And that's how we're together.

"When are we going to have our weekend outing?" Anna asked, pouting her lips.

"Soon, Anna-chan. Soon. The first free weekend we have, we're taking it."

We planned a whole weekend together, just the two of us, away from everybody else. It might be a bit suspicious to some, that's why I'll say I'm visiting family and Anna wanted to come.

I ran my fingers through her dark hair before kissing her again. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Um, Kaede?" She questioned while I was still kissing her.

Her lips are so soft.


"Someone may be onto us..."

I pulled away from her and gave her a puzzled look. "Who is it?"

"Kawamoto Ruri. I was coming in here when she caught me down the hall. She asked me what I was doing and I said 'nothing'. Then she asked, 'You're looking for Kaede, aren't you?'"

"You didn't tell her anything important, did you?" I asked, scared. What if the whole group found out about us?

"Then I said 'not really'. Then she said, 'you two are spending an awful lot of time together. Why?' And I panicked and I said you had a family emergency and you needed help."

My face softened and I stroked her cheek. She had me scared that she accidentally told it. Anna was known to get scared easily and blurt things out.

"What's the procedure?" I asked for confirmation.

"When confronted, make it dramatic," she cited automatically.

"That's my girl. You had me scared for a second. I thought that--"

"Anna? Kaede? We know you're in there!" Ruri's voice hung from the other side of the door.

Anna and I gave each other panicked looks. We?

"Oh no," we both whispered.

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