8 - Our Last Day (ShizAmi)

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Shipping: ShizukaxAmi
Type: Sad/Cute
Word Count: 1285
Summary: Shizuka and Ami spend their last day on earth together.


"Ami, I have a feeling we're dying soon," I told her as I scooted a cup of coffee towards her.

She was still in her nighshirt, and still had bed hair. But she was still cute. She'll always be cute.

"Why do you say that?" She asked, gratefully sipping from her mug.

"Look outside. Do you see anything unusual?"

Usually, there would be cars going by. Usually, people would be walking by. Usually, we'd be up earlier from the neighbor's dog barking. Hence the reason why Ami slept so late.

She turned and looked out the window. "Is there a traffic jam?"

I shrugged. "I don't think so. I turned on the tv to see what was going on."


"There was no signal."

Ami took another look outside. "The lines are down."

"Obviously. Don't you remember going to my grandma's house when we were young? Before she was put in the asylum?"

Ami nodded.

"She said if we woke up and found no other life form around, that we would die in 24 hours. Remember that story?"

Ami scrunched up her eyebrows in thought. See? Still a cutie. Then she looked up. "Yeah. She said there was a planned day that all the human race would cease to exist..."

I widened my eyes, hoping she'd get the hint and realize what was going on.

I'm lucky I'm stuck with an intelligent person.

"We're going to die."


Ami walked out the house and turned to lock the door before I put my hand on hers.

"There's no need to. We're never coming back."

"Oh. Right."

Ami dropped the keys and took my offered hand. We walked down the street, seeing people lying on the sidewalk, or in their cars. They looked like they were simply asleep.

"How are we still alive?" Ami asked me.

"Because we listened to my grandma," I simply responded. "Now what have you always wanted to do?"

Ami thought for a moment as we walked down the street. "Ooh! Let's go to that amusement park we went to last summer! I want to ride that ride again..."

"Let's go get a bike. Unless you want a car?"

Ami smiled cutely. "Car please. I don't want to be tired on my last day alive."

We bought a car from a vending machine, and I headed towards the amusement park. Along the way, we stopped when we found something that sparked our interest. Like Ami found a puppy that was limping, and she jumped out the car before I stopped moving.

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