10 - Pants (ShizAmi)

40 3 6

Shipping: ShizukaxAmi
Type: Hurt/ Angst *TRIGGER WARNING*
Word Count: 1502
Summary: Ami gathers up her courage to ask Shizuka why she always wear pants.


Lately, I've come to realize that Shizuka always wear pants. Always. She never wears skirts or even shorts. Even during live performances, she covers her legs. Which had me thinking, why does she always wear pants?

Before dinner one night, I sat beside her while the four of us watched a movie. She sat at the end, so she could prop her arm on the arm rest. My hand was on her thigh, drawing patterns on it innocently. Whenever asked, she would say they were more comfortable than skirts. But I knew it was a lie. She'd scratch behind her ear when she lies. I was tempted to just pull her pant legs up, but that would've been rude, and I would have to deal with an upset girlfriend.

Yes, girlfriend. Shizuka and I have been dating for a while. Secretly, of course. Nobody but Erie and Aya knew. Because we were supposed to keep our relationships from the public. So I couldn't kiss her in public, which I was kind of fine with. But whenever she gets upset, that's the one thing I can't do that I know will calm her.

"I'm starving~!" Aya groaned, throwing her head back on the couch.

"Go make dinner then," Erie said, not taking her eyes off the tv screen.

"Can you come help me?" Aya whined. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was adorable. At times.

"We're watching a goddang movie, Aya!"

"No~, you're watching a 'goddang movie'. Please, Erie-chan?" Aya pleaded.

After attempting to ignore Aya, Erie rolled her eyes before standing up. Aya squealed and ran into the kitchen.

"No sucking each others' faces off," Erie ordered, pointing at Shizuka and I.

"Can't promise that," Shizuka joked.

"I'll throw both of you out in the rain if I have to."

It was only lightly raining outside, but I didn't want to stand in it. So I smiled at Erie before she disappeared.

So it was just Shizuka and I on the couch. I laid my head on her shoulder, and she began playing with my hair. For a few moments, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her hand in my hair. Then I opened them again to look at her covered legs. Should I ask?

I opened my mouth, only to let out a strangled noise before closing it. Shizuka stopped with her hand and turned to me.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

Do I ask now?

"Uh~...I love you?"

The brunette smiled before kissing my forehead. "I love you too."

Then she looked back up at the movie while her hand resumed playing with my hair. Such a chicken, Ami. Just ask her!

"No," I said, sitting up.

"No?" Shizuka questioned, looking at me.

"That's not what I wanted to say."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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