9 - The Storm (AyRie)

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Shipping: EriexAya
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 606
Summary: Aya runs to Erie for comfort throughout a storm.


Thunder was heard outside as I made my way towards my room. I was one of the last ones up, as far as I can tell. Aya had went to sleep early, as well as Ami, and Shizuka bade me good-night about ten minutes ago. And with me being me, I can't go to sleep easily.

And a storm outside is not helping.

I finished my glass of water and sat it beside my bed. I was too lazy to go back to the kitchen. And I doubt I could call Shizuka to do it for me. Once her head hits her pillow, she's out like a light.

So I slid under my covers and turned away from my window. The rain attacked the window and roof, and the flashes of lightning with the booming thunder wasn't going to help me fall asleep anytime soon. I envy Shizuka on night's like these.

As I lied there, I remembered somebody was afraid of thunder. I don't know who it was, but I faintly remember somebody mentioning it. And that they'd either hide or run to somebody's room--

"ERIE-CHAN!" I heard someone scream.

Before I could get up, someone rammed me in the back. The person hurried to crawl under the covers and cower into me.

"What the...?"

Another bolt of lightning struck earth, and I saw red hair.

"Aya," I groaned. She's the one afraid of thunder.

"I'm sorry, Erie! But you know I hate storms!" She said when rain made its appearance again.

I sat up and turned the bedside lamp on. Aya looked up at me with big brown eyes. She's so cute, I thought to myself.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked.

"You're gonna have to grow out of this sometime," I said, running a hand through my hair.

Aya blushed. "Please?'

"Where do you usually go?" I asked, followed by a yawn.

"To Ami's. But I didn't want her to get tired of me. And since I knew you were the last one to go to sleep, I just...ran in here."

Aya fumbled with her fingers while she talked. How can someone be this cute?

Although I wouldn't admit it, I'm glad Aya came to my room. I can have a chance to cuddle her all I want without it being weird.

"Is it okay?" She asked.

Right then, another round of thunder sounded, and Aya buried her head in my stomach. I patted her head because it's awkward to hold somebody against your stomach.

When I saw her face peek out, I sighed. Then reached over to turn the light out. Aya slid up so her head was on a pillow, and I pulled the blankets over us.

"Thank you, Erie-chan," Aya thanked, smuggling into my side.

A while past before I felt her breathing even out. Then I laid my head on top of hers and wrapped her in my arms. If my Aya ever needed protection from the storm, I'll be there.


The next morning, I woke up to giggling. Who was giggling? I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did. It was probably Aya.

Nope. Aya was still sound asleep, cuddled against me. Was I that comfy?

I slowly sat up to see Shizuka and Ami the door, whispering to each other. I rolled my eyes when they turned to me again.

"Have a nice night, Erie?" Ami asked.

"I. Hate. You."

"We love you too," Shizuka said before they disappeared around the corner.

Here I was, in a house stuck with a snuggle buddy and two giggling idiots. Delightful.

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