4 - Puppy Love (ShizAmi)

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Shipping: Puppy!ShizukaxHuman!Ami
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 792
Summary: Ami shows off her new addition to her best friend; she wonders why her puppy won't eat.


My best friend, Aya, smiled as she walked in my house. We hugged before she took her shoes off and I led her to the living room.

"Want some tea?" I offered as she sat down.


I smiled and went to make her a cup. From the living room, Aya asked, "So, where is the lucky lady?"

"She's probably asleep," I replied.

"Wow. You two must've made a strong connection."

I grinned and brung her the tea I made right before she came here. Then I sat down as she faced me.

"What's she like?" She asked.

I sighed. "She's beautiful, Aya. It was love at first sight. She has beautiful, long, curly hair. And she has the most beautiful smile. And her eyes? Don't get me started on them! They're like emeralds, shining up at me. You'll love her, Aya."

"Aw. I hope she wakes up soon. What job does she have?"


"Oh, wow! Is she tough then?"

I shrugged as I sipped my tea. "She's playful. And she's really quiet. Plus, she's shy. So don't scare her too much. She must be up now."

Aya held up her hand. "Don't worry, I won't. I'm so excited, Ami-chan!"

I went and opened my room door before heading back to Aya. "C'mere, Shizuka!"

We heard a yip, then paws as a puppy bounded into sight. Aya's face dropped before she started to laugh.

"Really funny, Ami. Now where is she?"

I held the beautiful puppy in my lap and gave her a confused look. "She's right here."

Her face dropped again. "Oh my gosh, Ami. Don't tell me you're one of those people! The ones that have a relationship with their pets! Oh my--"

"Calm down, Aya! It's nothing like that!"

"Then where's your girlfriend?"

"My girl...Ohhh! You thought I...I had a girlfriend? No! Shizuka's my puppy!" I laughed.

Aya glared at me. "You called her a 'lady'!"

"Well, doesn't she look like one? She's so beautiful. I guess she's not a guard dog if she's quiet, huh?"

"Her hair?"

"Look at her coat! It's beautiful, isn't it?"


I pouted. "Look at me and tell me Shizuka doesn't have pretty, green eyes."

"You said you met her while walking."

"Oh! An elderly couple was trying to give a litter of puppies away! I saw Shizuka and it was love at first sight!"

Aya shook her head. "I'm so done with you, Ami."

I gave her a smile. "Touch her."

The redhead rolled her eyes. Then she looked down at the puppy, who was curiously sniffing her. "She is cute. Hey, Shizuka."

Shizuka shied away before she sniffed Aya's hand. Her tail began to wag as she climbed into her lap. I smiled as my best friend started to stroke my puppy, cooing at her.

Within minutes, Aya said, "Oh my gosh! She's the contest thing ever! I wanna take her home with me so I can cuddle and hug her!"

I pouted. "I'm doing that with her."

Aya stuck her tongue out at me. "Fine. I'll just kidnap you and be your new mommy, little Shizuka!"

"You'll have to fight me first," I laughed.


"C'mon, Shizuka! Let's go eat!" I called, walking into the kitchen. Shizuka bounded in behind me.

I went and poured her her food. Shizuka sniffed at the dry dog food before looking up at me.

"What? What's wrong?"

Shizuka sat before wagging her tail faintly. She was just eating yesterday. What's wrong with her?

I felt like calling her previous owners, but I didn't want to worry them because, well, they're old. They probably wouldn't want to be bothered, even though they left me their number and told me to call them for any questions.

"Shizuka~!" I whined, bending down to the puppy's height. "You've got to eat like a good girl! Eat!"

The puppy cocked her head at me. This is useless. She can't understand me.

So I continued with making my breakfast. Maybe she needs to use the bathroom. But that would be ridiculous. She's a puppy, she's not house-trained.

Worth a shot.

I took Shizuka out through the sliding door and watched as she walked around before sitting down. I frowned at her as she looked up at me.

So I led her back inside and finished my breakfast. I placed my plate on the table, but knocked my bottled water over.

"No!" I shouted as it leaked on the floor.

Shizuka isn't hesitate to run to the puddle and sniff it. Then she started to lap at it.

I actually facepalmed myself. She wanted water!

I'm such an idiot, I thought to myself before going to pour the rest of the bottle in her water bowl.

I thought of this while cutting grass. XD

Annnnnd, I may want to make a fanfic using this...XD

Edit made by Pikachu9704. But nobody else read this, so why am I explaining? XD

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