Mortals meets Demigods (Part 3)

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Danielle Winifred

As I was walking through the walls of the University, to get to my meeting place with my friend Becky. Who I call Bec because it's easier to say. I was probably thinking too hard, because I bump into a random girl. With my black hair flying in my face.

"I'm so sorry!" Quickly picking up her things, not minding that it's gonna be disorganized. " Here you go," Handing her the stack of papers.

"Thanks!" She called out.


After having a good time with Bec, going over stuff. Thinking what to do we buy our house. As I was walking to my dorm, I saw the same girl again. She was unpacking her stuff. She stopped and look at me.

"You were that girl who I bumped into earlier," She pointed.  She was actually really pretty. Having grey eyes and blonde hair reminds me that she's a smart girl. Well considering there's a stupid stereotype about blondes being stupid which they're not. I raised my hands in surrender.

"I said I was sorry," Also racking my brain to see anything about having a roommate. I finally remembered! Her name was Annabeth. "Oh! You must be Annabeth! Nice to meet you. My name is Danielle Winifred, or you can call me Dani."

She nodded.

"Nice to meet you Dani." Going back to unpack her stuff. "Well you should know one thing about me is that don't do any nicknames. Got it?"

"Sure," I nodded. "Do you need any help?"

Nope I'm good," As she finished the last of her things. Putting the top of the suitcase down, breathing a sigh of relief. She plopped on her side of the bed. She stare at me. "Well aren't you talk?"

"Well I have to make some posters," I also plopped on my bed. She stare at me weirdly. "It's for a campaign that I believe. It's about defeating stereotypes and how we should change the way we look on people."

"That's actually good cause." She put her hands on her laps. "Well since you told me something. I will tell you something in return. I have a boyfriend."

"Is he nice?" I gasped, because they must be cute together. She nodded. "What does he mean to you?"

She looked up at the ceiling.

"Everything." She answered. "We met at a summer camp when we were twelve. We both hated each other. As the years go on. I started to like him, so I was dropping hints, but apparently he's was really oblivious to it. We were also the best of friends. Then on the day of his birthday, we were pushed in to the lake. It was pretty cool."

She wiped a tear.

"Sorry, I must have gotten emotional." I shook my head and grab her hands.

"Don't worry it's okay," I stare at her intently. "We have all gotten emotional for our first love." Then let go, in case of dying.

"How did you know?"

"Just a hunch, I always have a knack for these things." I winked at her. "Man I wish I can give you a nickname."

"Well you're lucky that you don't"

"Well considering your my friend, now." I twiddled with my thumbs. "Besides I gave my friends nicknames."

"I'm your friend?" She looked confusedly. "Sorry I have trust issues after a traumatic experience."

"Well you told me something that's important to you," I looked down at my lap. "Shouldn't that count?"

"Well you're right," She smiled. I smile too. "You remind me of a Hufflepuff."

"Well it's what Hufflepuffs do." I shrugged. Then I remember a question. "Oh yeah! What's your boyfriend's name?"

"His name is Percy Jackson, or I call him Seaweed Brain. While he calls me Wise girl." I put my hand over my heart because of the feels. "Also that I might leave in the middle of the night, if my boyfriend comes."

"No problemo," Waving my hand. "Well since it's the weekend. Let's talk about random stuff,"

After that we talked about secrets, and other cool things.


A week later at night.

Since it's winter. We had hot cocoa while we're in our onesie. I was in a Hello Kitty, with a hood. While Annabeth is wearing grey color back ground with owls. Who she says is her favorite animal. We were talking about our families. I had a normal family, with my mom and dad. Plus my awesome sister. Annabeth has a step mom since her mom sadly pass away. Her step mom's name is Helen, who she said is acomplete b*tch, while her dad was okay. She has two half siblings who's name were Matthew and Bobby. We were also laughing at random stuff, while I was scrolling my screen shots on my phone. Annabeth also said that she can't have a phone or any electric device because her parents won't allow her. Which was totally fine with me because I had a friend who can't use electric device either. We were really good friends until she had to move California.

As we were talking about a stupid meme I found. I hear some banging on the windows. I turned to face them, it was a guy who was wearing a hoodie since I could see him only the top half. Annabeth grinned.

"Stall him while I get ready," She whispered. I nodded. I muster all my courage and went to the window.

"Hi!" As I opened the window.

"Hello," He responded in a cool voice. "Are you Annabeth's friend?"

"You bet right I am." Placing my hand in front of me. "My name's Danielle, but call me Dani."

"Well then nice to meet you Dani." Shaking my hand.

"What's up Seaweed Brain?" As we looked over to Annabeth. She changed into a sea green dress at knee length with the sleeves off the shoulder. She had her beaded necklace, and owl earnings, holding silver flats. She walked over to us. Kneeling in front in front the window. "Ready for our date?"

"Yes ma'am," Percy saluted. Annabeth stand up and so did I. We hugged.

"Have fun on your date," I whispered. We pull back, she nodded. Got out of the window into the arms of her boyfriend and he carry her. I sighed dreamily staring the couple who love each other no matter what they been through.

I hear a growl and a snap, before I fall in the black sea.

Last thing I heard was Annabeth's voice.

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