Rant #1

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Okay okay, listen up! So this is a gonna be a weird rant, I'm gonna or might jump from topic to topic, so you better keep up.

What should I talk about? Oh yeah!

The things about Wattpad is that, when I want to follow people, I do know that I follow them, but when I exited out of the followers page, and went back in, Wattpad unfollow all those people, this is an issue, I have been dealing with for about 6 or 8 months, I'm not exactly sure, but I'm down with that. So if one of you people know I didn't follow, I'm really sorry, I don't know how to fix it, I ask Wattpad two times, but they haven't fixed the problem yet. Also for some weird reason, I don't like Piper from HOO.

Before you write down any rude comments, hear me out first.

The reason or reasons I don't like Piper, to me she seems like a Mary Sue, like for example her charmspeak, we don't know the history, so we don't know if Piper's charmspeak, is the strongest or not. Also that she always thinks she's useless, but she's not. She single-handly use her charmspeak to wake up Festus, which Leo hasn't programmed a voice active program, it seems that our dear old Uncle Rick did this to define the laws of physic, or science. I don't know it. She doesn't think that she's pretty, I mean come on she's a daughter of Afrophdite ( I think that's how you spell her name, but forgive me if I didn't) everyone is beautiful in their way, which brings me to my next point. The relationship between mother and daughter, okay so in The Lost Hero, they were talking over clothes, which Piper agreed to some of them, but in the Mark of Athena, their relationship just went proof! Which really angers me.

I rest my case.

This is my opinion so don't get mad!

To my next topic, for Percy Jackson.

Siblings: You know where I am go with this, but if you don't. I will break it down for you.

So the basic storyline is that Percy has a long-lost sister, blah blah blah, you know the rest. So basically, what really angers is that she's much more powerful than Percy in some books, and in others, she's just being a brat.

Done with that one.

This is the basic thing for most books.

Falling in love.

So the storyline is that the main character falls in love, and they save the world. This kind of story line is too used and unoriginal. Please have some characters that are independent. Heck even some Disney Princesses don't have a man to take care of them. For example, Elsa and Merida (Again, I might have spelled her name wrong, Sorry.)

RandomnessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt