I'm trying my best

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I know that I published a small chapter a while ago, but here's the thing. I'm trying my hardest to update all my stories, but I have been working on a crossover, that I always wanted to do. I want to publish but, I don't want to get your hopes up. So I'm gonna work on that, so I can finished it. I really want to have a Mortal Meets Demigods (Part 3) I'm uninspired, I think that reading on a iPad is not much fun as reading a physical book, this is just my opinion. You have yours. And for some reason I get depressed some times, not even my closet friends know. I'm sorry wingoe and emmaslink also my sister @Books_are_Life14821. I want to keep this a secret, and this is my own personal problem, I don't need help. I'm fine. It's just that I feel like an extra piece in everyone's puzzle, except with wingoe and @Books_are_Life14821. Also don't talk to me about this. I don't want to reveal too much about this. I'm probably gonna say stupid stuff from time to time. I'm warning you right now, so you're gonna be prepared. I'm also gonna be sorry over the spam I will give you later on. Like how my crush right now is the guy I hate. Then wingoe said and I quote. "You only hate a person so much before you start to love them" Which is sort of true. And the guy I like, you know what let's call him 'K' kept saying some things about my old crush, which really angers me. So yeah my life is pretty much mess up, but hey a perfect life is not fun, in my opinion. And there's a test on Tuesday that's gonna stress me out. So until next time!

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