Rant #4

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When someone literally insults you. Also your friend, or I should say 'friend.' I'm sorry that I'm complaining everything that bothered the people who're reading this. I just want to get it out of my system. I can't ignore that friend because she friends with my best friend.

That friend, which I'm gonna call her BS.

So BS and I have PE together. In PE we're playing badminton (I think that's how you spell it). Which is a modified version of badminton. For 'safety' reason. When we serve, we have to do underhand. I can only do overhand (So much for easier for me) I kept failing but I got some hits. Here and there. As I have to give the birdie (the ball) to the other team. Guess what BS said to me. It went something a little like this.

"(My name), you should let me do the serve instead. Because you're bad."

It was sort of like that, I can't exactly remember it. I literally felt a wave of shock came over me. In my head, I was like in my head 'Excuse me, I deal with your crap everyday, and I don't give a F about that. You also are bad at it, and also tell me to let you hit everything. You always say no, and blame me. In my head, I'm like you're a hypocrite. That's it, you're a hypocrite. You literally blame everything on me. You tell me things for not to do, then blame on me. Oh blame on the Asian girl. You're literally destroy the team with your negativity. You know what, you're too prideful BS, I wish that I wasn't friends with you the minute I met you. I had a bad feeling about you.

Next topic on my life.

So I have two bffs. Let's call B and S. So B, I'm pretty good friends with B. She and I were cool, and later I met S. We're good friends, and this is really hard to explain. If you ever noticed that you have a really good friend then you have another good friend. So S started breaking this bond between me and B. I don't know why I just feel it. It's really weird. I started to notice it a long time ago. So yeah, for some reason. I got depressed, and would always to sleep. Or not to be at school, so I avoid those two. I just don't know why. I also felt a joy when I'm reading or writing books. Or dancing. You, my friends out there. If you take that away from me. I swear to life, I will do some horrible things to you.

Some of these events are gonna be in my book Problems, which I'm still writing. I finished Chapter 1 (It's really long) and working on Chapter 2. It's taking longer than I thought, because, I forget about it. Or that I don't remember where I put my journal. To people, I know. I can't explain through talking, but I can talk in writing because I feel more free. It's easier for me.

If you want a preview of Problem here it is (It's the summary):

An amnesia best friend. A long time best friend. Distance friends. One friend dragging a best friend away. Stress at home. Feel depress and left out most of the time.

Lana knows these things don't mix. Considering that she's helping her friend remember her past. One of her friends is pulling the other best friend away. Friends, she doesn't really but stays as friends, because her friends with them. Her mom stresses her to do extra homework to get ahead of everyone else. Her first best friend when she moved to Oregon doesn't go to the same school as her anymore. Can she sort out her problems, before she breaks down? the only times that she can be free is to do writing and reading books or fanfics and dancing. Join Lana as she figures who she really is.

That's it for now. See you in this world again.

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