Rant #5

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Okay this is a rant that's on my life. I don't know if I already told you this. If I did, here's a brief sentence.

Friends taking friends away.
The situation is getting better, taking baby steps. For some reason, I get images on my mind, filled with depressed people, or anime people. It just so weird. I just don't know what to do, and not even my best friend knows. I just feel like left out or some thing like that. I just want to cry out my emotions, but I can't. It's all bottled up in my chest, someday it would pour out.

A random fact about me:
I'm a very empathic person. Which to me means that, I can feel emotions from people. It's probably wrong. I just don't know why, for some reason, I can feel a bottled up feeling on my chest. One time I felt the nervousness of someone, I could feel it in waves.

Next rant:

So a few chapters ago. I talked about this guy named K. So K and I met when we're in third grade. We weren't friends, I just know his mom. For some reason, he always chase me and my friends. Then attacked each other with sticky weed. He also had a crush on one of my best friends. Until fifth or sixth grade, when he then had a crush on someone else I know. Then a few weeks into the school year, I had a a crush on him. I just can't describe it, it just that I had a crush on him. Considering that I also hate him. (Man this is drama for me) I get dreams of him, I know it's weird. I know that I can control my dreams. It's a mental challenge to do so, but you get used to it. I just don't know what to do, because I see him everyday except Saturday. I can't talk to my friends, because I don't know how to explain it.

So the beginning of the school year, we have to do this brain project thing, which it like showing the the things we think about during the school day. I think? So K has a different social teacher than me. Apparently we have our brain project next to each other! Isn't that f up! My friends just noticed it a couple of weeks ago. While I noticed the week after when they out the projects.

Crushes in general for me:

So when I have crush, I always seem to noticed them first. For example, when we're eating lunch. I always can stare at him, when he's across the cafeteria. It boggles my mind.

Back to K:

I can't describe the feeling, like I said. I just think, do I like this guy or hate him. I just can't explain, the feelings. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I should my head between my knees. I even thought an another story! For some reason, I feel like that it's gonna get crazier.

Our new President:

So yeteresday or Jan. 20. That was the day when we have our first African American President leave the White House, and have an orange move in. (Sorry if you're Trump supporters, sorry) Many people are angry, including me. I miss the Obamas, because they done amazing things. So thank you Barack and Michelle Obama for the 8 years of service. Making a difference in the world. Thank you.

Let's do Donald J. Trump:

So our 45th President is sexist and racist man, but apparently I have to give him a chance. So we'll see. May the odds ever be in our favor.

See you in this world again.

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