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I turned the corner, absently listening to wade as him, Bob, and I walked to the front of the school building.

"How'd your first day go Mark? Pretty weird going from having all classes with each other to having only one." Wade said to me.

"Yeah I guess. It wasn't all too bad. There may be a few problem classes. And by that, I mean I'll fall asleep at least once a week. Probably." We chuckled a bit as we came to the front lobby of the school as wade and I sat at one bench. "See ya tomorrow Bob!" He waved our way as he walked out the other door to the busses. We had to wait for rides, Wade hadn't gotten his licence yet and my brother had taken the car for today.

That's when I noticed the boy on the other side of the room. He had his headphones in and stared out the window, a blank face that somehow managed to look sad.

"That's that Irish kid, isn't it?" I quietly asked Wade.

"Huh? Uh yeah. He moved here halfway through the last term last year. Sean was it?" I don't know why, but the way he was all by himself with the resting sad expression on his face drained my mood. "Well, that's my ride." Wade said looking out to the grey car that pulled up.

"Yeah. See ya." I said as he walked out the door. my eyes returned to the kid in the corner. His blue sweatshirt looked a bit oversized, and his beanie hid green dyed hair. That must be new. I would've remembered seeing lime green in the halls last year.

Just as I contemplated walking over to the kid, I was startled by a loud honk coming from outside. Looks like Tom's here. I stood up and the boy, what did wade say, Sean? Glanced at me as I did so. I tried to give him a short smile, but I think he looked away before he saw.

Why was he so sad looking? That small question hung in my mind as I walked to the car. I looked back to the school after I got in the car, but I couldn't see him anymore.

"Dude, what's up with you?" I let out a small 'nothing' to my brother. "Hey, stop being so mopey. Wanna play some old school Mario later?" I smiled at that.

"You're on."

I couldn't help but continue thinking of the Irish kid the whole ride home. Maybe he just had a bad day or something I dismissed mentally. But something in myself told me otherwise. I pushed the thoughts away as I pulled out sheets for my mom to sign. Things for the school database that's handed out every year. I set them on the kitchen counter where I knew my mom would see when she came home and made my way to the game room.

A/N Hi! Welcome to the beggining of my (probably short) septiplier Fanfic! It's my first septiplier Fanfic, and I love the ideas I'm getting for it right now. Also, it's past 4:30 AM right now. Oops. Welp thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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