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I decided to wait until Thursday to ask my mom to go to Mark's. I also decided to tell her it was for a project. That way, she had less reason to keep me from going.

I carefully knocked on her bedroom door once I finished my homework for the night. She muttered a 'come in' and I opened the door.

"Mom, I have a project to do, and my partner wanted me to come over tomorrow to work on it." I spewed the lie that I had practiced mentally on the ride home.

"Who is this partner?" She questioned laying on her bed. She sat up and set down her phone.

"It's Mark" I said cautiously, knowing she wouldn't be happy. She gave me a hard look.

"You mean the boy you snuck out to see last week." How did she find out!? "Don't lie to me Sean. How long will this 'project' take?" She folded her arms in front of her. I swallowed down some nerves.

"He wanted to get as much done now so he suggested I stay the weekend." I stood my ground. My ground of lies, but it was still my ground. She stayed quiet, staring me down.

"Fine." She gave up. "But if I find out you sneak out again, you won't leave this apartment for weeks." She threatened. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I won!

"You know the only reason you aren't home schooled is because I have to work all day." With that I left her room. Now all I have to do is tell Mark.

~time skip~

I found Jack sitting in his usual spot after school. I sat down next to him as he took out his headphones. We watched as the last students filtered out of the school.

"You psyched?" Jack said with a sly look at me.

"About what?" I questioned. He 'pft' at me and rolled his eyes.

"The coloring of the Floof!" He lightly swatted at my hair, messing up my part.

"Well, of course." I said putting my hair back in place, smiling at his antics. We sat quietly for a moment.

"Why are we waiting?" Jack eyed me down. I felt a light blush under his gaze. I could've sworn I saw a slight curve of his lips.

"I don't know. We can leave now if you want?"

"Yeah sure." He stood up and picked up his bag, me following suit. I opened the door and held it open for Jack. I watched him walk past and down the sidewalk. I followed behind him until he stopped at the edge of the parking lot.

"Uh, what car?" He said already pointed in the right direction.

"This one." I said walking past him to my grey-blue car. He followed me to the passenger seat. Once he got in and I started the car I offered him my aux cord. "You can play something if you want. I'll listen to pretty much anything." He cautiously took the cord and messed with his phone until the song played.

The soft chords of a guitar and accents of piano played.

Like a sparrow, I can fly
But I cannot touch the sky
Like a flower, I can grow
But I cannot grow alone

But someday I would like to know
That when I die, I will find my soul
And when I'm gone, my skin
Is cold, will I care where my body goes?
Where my body goes

I looked over to Jack to see him leaning his head against the window, watching the trees and houses pass. Heh. He looks like he's part of a music video.

"Who's this song by?" I decided to ask about halfway through.

"Saywecanfly." He answered, still in his music video pose. Similar songs played during our drive. A smile rested on my face as I glanced at him throughout the car ride.

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