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I fell out of bed the next morning. Literally. My dog Chica had pulled at my pajama pants until I fell.

"Jeez Chica. What do you need?" I groggily pet her head reaching for my phone for the time. 6:43. Well at least I'm up a bit early. Chica walked out the door, looking back to get me to follow her. "Alright, alright." I said picking myself up off the floor.

I followed the golden retriever down the stairs where she nudged at her food bowl. "Really? Couldn't you have just waited like, fifteen more minutes?" I said groggily opening the first cupboard on the left to fill her bowl.

I rubbed her sides as she gulped down the food. I sighed and decided since I had extra time I'd take a shower. I ran my hands through my boring black hair as I made my way to the bathroom. Maybe I should do something with it? I shrugged and started the water.


I closed the door to the car and made my way inside. My hair was mostly dry by now, but it was pretty much a wreak as always. I spotted Bob and Wade hanging around the corner of the hall like usual. Ryan and Matt were there as well.

"Hey guys." I said joining the group. The discussion picked up after that, talking about different games and movies.

"Oh, no. Do NOT bring up that game."

"C'mon mark. Just cuz you broke your controller doesn't mean 'I am Bread' is a bad game." Matt said obviously trying to wind me up. It worked.

"It's a HORRIBLE game!!"I practically screeched. They all laughed as I pouted over my departed controller. After that, the bell rang and everyone in the hall pushed their way to their lockers.


The green haired kid was in one of my morning classes. How did I not realize the bright neon green yesterday? I even sit right next to him in chemistry! He stuck out like a sore thumb, which didn't seem his style based on what I'd seen of him yesterday.

When lunch came around I couldn't help but notice there wasn't any odd colored hair in the cafeteria. I shrugged it off and made my way to my usual spot with my friends. We laughed and talked while we picked at the school food.

"Mark, what are you looking for?" Ryan called out at me. Had I been looking somewhere? I realized I was, in fact, carefully looking around the room. ...why?

"What?" I said turning my head back to the table.

"You've been searching every corner of the room for like, ten minutes." Ryan explained.

"Maybe it's that Irish kid you were 'intrigued' by yesterday" wade joked.

"What? No." I lied, "what do you want?"


"Do you need a ride Wade?"

"No, I have an appointment. My ride should be out there now actually."

"Alright then. See you guys!" I waved my friends away as I closed my locker. Once I turned the corner to the front doors, I saw the green haired student was there again.

I slowed my pace and thought for a second. I don't know why, but I just... needed to see him smile. No one should be that sad looking all the time.

I walked past him out the door. Again, he glanced at me when I passed. This time, I made sure he saw me smile at him. He gave me a confused look, but at least he acknowledged my attempt. I started my car, proud of myself.

Mark my words, little Irish boy. I will see you smile.

A/N Hey! Lookie here! A second chapter! It's been a little while. (Oops)
And look at that. I'm messing up the hair color timeline!
[Can she do that!?]
{I don't know!}
Well deal with it!
Anyway, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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