The New Job

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Every morning I go for a run up by the water-tower. I run from my house the mile to the river, two miles south, and then two miles west. At the water-tower, I run a dozen sprints up the half mile hill before taking a water break on the stone bench at the bottom. A few weeks ago, I met my new running partner. His name is Aaron. At first, we just talked. But then we started running into each other more often and decided to start running together. Five a.m. sharp at the beach. His job is very demanding and sometimes, like today, it takes him away to other states for extended periods of time. Today, around noon, I receive a text from Aaron, "Hey! I'm in New York City right now. I'm not sure how long I'll be here but I'll text you when I fly back in so we can make plans for our next run. :)"

I text back in a minute to make sure he doesn't think I'm desperate, "Oh no! Looks like I'll have to go running all by my lonesome for the next little while. How will I ever get over your absence?!"

I hoped he was laughing as I waited for a response. "I know I'm just too awesome to be away from but my mistress is calling and I can't ignore her. She's my cash-cow," he shoots back almost immediately. I waited a few seconds before receiving a secondary hesitant message, "Do continue to run while I'm gone but promise me you will run safe?"

I smiled at his concern. I know we don't know each other well but we were already becoming really good friends. "Of course! I only run dangerous when I'm with you. Tell your mistress that she better behave herself. ;p" I reply to his message as I rush out my door, late for a meeting with my boss.

I knock firmly on the door fixing my suit, "Come in!" I walk in and take my seat as she directs. She looks me straight in the eyes, "You have a long drive to get down here every day and yet, you are never late. Why?"

I blush with the realization that she has noticed me. "I love my job and this is the closest place to my home that allows me the ability to use my psychology degree to catch criminals."

My boss gave me a very unnerving smile, "What if I told you that you didn't have to drive all the way out here every day? What if I told you I could pull some strings and get you in the field instead of behind a desk all day?"

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, m'am?"

"You're a great girl. Great at your job, brilliant, driven, and athletic. All the necessary traits for working a field job at the BAU for the FBI. If I told you I could get you that job, what would you say?"

I has always been my dream to make it on to the BAU and I was afraid that they would never notice me but they finally did! Trying to maintain a professional appearance, I reply as calmly as I can, "I would love the opportunity and I promise that I won't let you regret this decision."

She returned my smile before standing up, "The BAU is out of town right now but I will call you with more information. In the meantime, take a break. This might be your last decent one for a while to come. I'll call you when they get back and I have all the paperwork ready for your first day."

I turned around one last time to shake her hand and thank her, yet again, before heading out to my freedom. I have at least one full day before I have to start working again and I really wanted to catch up on my lack of psychology learning in the past few year. No one is ever too old to learn. I started looking on the web and found a guest speaker at a nearby college that I have access to. The presentation will be starting in about twenty minutes which would give me plenty of time to pick up a coffee before arriving just on time.

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