Meeting My Co-Workers

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I sit down just as a young brown haired man begins to speak. "Hi. I'm Doctor Spencer Reid. Today we will be talking about the different classifications of serial killers."

After the presentation, I waited until the room cleared out a little bit before I approached Dr. Reid. "Hi Dr. Reid. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Isabelle and I was wondering if maybe you would let me pick your brain over a cup of coffee sometime."

The man could have only been a year or two younger than me but he was clearly much smarter. He smiled, "Call me Spencer. I would love that." I quickly handed him my number before excusing myself. I had a steaming date with my jacuzzi.

In the middle of my bath, I receive a phone call from my boss. "I received a message that the BAU would be back in town this evening. They don't need a new member but are more than willing to try you out. You need to be at the Federal Building at eight a.m. sharp. Ask for SSA Hotchner, he will interview you before making a final decision on whether you make it. He can be a bit of a hard-ass but he's been pretty well convinced that you will be perfect for the job. I really hope you make it as far as you hope. You really are a great person and I'm sad to see you go."

I was blushing profusely, "Thank you so much m'am."

I could hear her smile through the phone and in that moment, I could tell that I was the perfect daughter she never had, "Oh dear don't be silly, call me Erin. If you ever, EVER, need ANYTHING just give me a call, you have my number."

After that awkward phone conversation I see that it is only eight p.m. and I decide to spend my last free night out on the town. I don't have any close girlfriend that I want to hit up bars with so I decide to go it alone.

I am at the bar and dancing my heart out by eight-thirty. I am dancing alone for the most part but then I see a gorgeous black man make his way over to me. He leans real close to me so he could be heard over the music, "Would you care to dance with me?" I know that I can't say no to a face that handsome with manners to match. I end up grinding on him for at least ten minutes before we start chatting each other up.

"What's your name? I'm Isabelle."

"Derek Morgan. But you can call me anytime," he replies with a lighthearted laugh so contagious I can't help but join in.

When I get home I check my phone for a message from Aaron about tomorrow but there is nothing so I decide to text him first. "I'm such a bad person :c"

It only takes him ten minutes to respond, "How so?"

I giggle at his seriousness, "I'm not running tomorrow. :/"

"Why not? :O"

"Ha ha ha. Don't get me wrong I love running and I need to but I need to be somewhere early in the morning and I can't be late."

"That stinks. I just landed a few hours ago and I wasn't sure if you were still up so I was going to text you in the morning. :( The next day though?"

"Of course. I love running with you. Maybe we should change up our run a little bit. Get a different scenery in there somewhere."

"Brilliant idea :) Night."


At seven fifty, I walk into the BAU's headquarters and feel light headed. It feels as if my soul just released a sigh I didn't know it was holding. I run into a pretty blonde haired woman and stop to ask her for help, "M'am? Excuse me, I'm Isabelle. Would you mind telling me where to find Agent Hotchner?"

"Hi, I'm Jennifer but everyone calls me JJ. You're the new recruit I take it. Hotch is in the big office straight down. Just knock on his door," JJ walks away with a smile on her face before I have the chance to thank her.

I walk to Agent Hotchner's office and knock on the door at exactly eight a.m. I hear a familiar voice boom from within "Come in!"

I open the door and almost trip over my own feet. Thankfully I didn't and he doesn't notice. Without looking up, he tells me to have a seat. When I do, he glances up and does a double take. "Isabelle?! What are you doing here?" he asks, his voice filled with shock.

"Strauss transferred me here," I reply weakly. "I didn't realize that you worked for the BAU. I mean, we never really brought up our jobs before..."

Aaron stares me in the eyes before speaking, "I know you as a person and have reviewed your file and I see nothing that can keep you from joining us. I just want to let you know that even though I know you I will not treat you any differently from any other new recruit. Even though we know each other on a person level, I ask that you keep our relationship professional while we're on the clock." He stands up abruptly causing me to flinch. "Welcome to the BAU. Let's go meet the other team members."

We walk into a room with a round table and six people around it. Aaron speaks when we enter the room, "This is Isabelle. She's our new recruit."

An older man stands up and approaches me first with his hand outstretched, " Rossi. David Rossi." He point to the pretty blonde woman I met earlier, "That's JJ. And that's Emily Prentiss." Rossi says pointing the the dark- haired woman. I turn to look at the next two people and nearly gasp out loud, "Then there's Doctor Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan." As I smile at each man they both faintly blush. I take one of the only empty seats, right next to Aaron.

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