Coffee, A New Friend, and Too Much Testosterone

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I park my car at headquarters at five-fifty and walk to Dutch Bros and make it there two minutes early just as Reid is pulling up. He parks and comes up to me at the counter. "What are you going to get?"

"I don't know. I've never been. I don't usually go out for coffee," I blush.

"You don't like it?" Reid questions.

"No! I love coffee. It's just that in Paris, my aunt bought the best coffee beans and homemade creamers so I never had to go out for it. I actually acquired a taste for expensive coffee so I have to have it imported by huge amounts just about every month."

Reid actually looked impressed, "Really? How much does it cost? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm not sure," I blush again.

Reid scoffs, "What do you mean you don't know?"

I order a Salted Carmel Freeze before answering, "I stayed at my aunts for five years for free. Part of the time, I was an adult. When I left, I promised her I'd send her money every month to repay her for her kindness as long as she sent me the coffee beans. She never told me where she got them. It was always her little secret."

Reid orders a blended sweet Annihilator before sitting down with me on the bench, "Could you bring in some of your expensive I've French coffee for me to try, sometime?"

I laugh, "I would love to. We should throw all that crappy coffee out and see how long it takes before anyone notices."

Reid laughs with me, the first time I've actually heard him laugh, "Yeah that would be funny. You're a prankster aren't you?"

I give him a small smile, "Not really. When my parents couldn't find out, I was all for it. Before they- before Paris, I never really wanted to but Garcia taught me that I could be funny and mischievous without my pare- Without getting caught. It made it all a really fun prank to me, I guess."

I guess Reid could tell he struck a nerve and quickly thankfully he changed the subject to the classification of serial killers. After a few minutes, we moved on to other matters of psychology. Before long, we realize that we have to head to work before we're late. To save time, I catch a ride with Reid.

We walk in together and chat for a minute but separate to our individual desks when Hotch keeps on looking at us. After about twenty minutes, the rest of the team walks in and disperses to their own desks. After five more minutes I see Reid suspiciously look around and get up with his half full coffee cup and head to the break room as he passes my desk, he looks at me and gives me a playful smile without changing his pace. I take it as a hint to follow him and do so after a minute.

When I walk through the door to the break room, I shut it behind me, "What's up?"

Reid keeps looking at the machine so the others can't see him talk, "When are we going to do it?"

I follow his suit and busy myself getting a cup and choosing which coffee I thought I could suffer through, "The coffee?" He nods in affirmation and I continue, "Tomorrow would work. That way we have a few days to observe and not a long time for anticipation."

The door swings open and Morgan walks in and Reid tenses almost unnoticeably, "So, that expensive coffee you import. What flavours are there?"

I smirk at his enunciation of the "u", "I see what you did there." I turn to Morgan for a moment, "Good morning. I had fun last night."

Morgan pulled me into a hug before I could react and whispered in my ear, "Maybe we could do it again sometime. But just us." I was blushing with embarrassment and Reid's face matched mine. In a panic and not wanting to be in the break room anymore, I look out of the window and see Aaron looking at me making the red deepen.

I step back and turn my attention to Reid, "Umm. I have a few kinds of coffee beans but it's mostly my aunts homemade creamers that make it the best."

"Uh huh. And what flavors are those? And did she give you the recipe or does she send them over?" he inquires as we walk out of the room.

"Mostly Cinnamon, Vanilla, Mocha, and Smores but she has a few others she makes occasionally. She gave me the recipe but I swear she kept her secret ingredient a secret because mine is never as good as hers. It's so good that you won't haves to put so much sugar in it." I continue laughing until I take my seat. I watch as Reid swaggers away, purposely swishing his hips as wide as he can. As he sits down, he gives me the sexiest face he can muster. I can't help but laugh loudly and Reid joins in.

We are still laughing as Aaron steps out of his room and gives us a death glare causing us to go silent. "We have a case," he calls to us. As I stand up, Morgan is at my hip and wraps his arm around mine.

When we get in to the room, Morgan takes the seat next to mine that is usually where Reid sits and I can tell that this hurt his feelings. To show him that I didn't have a say, I pout and blow him a kiss before turning to Aaron. As Aaron is briefing us, I see Morgan, out of the corner of my eye, shift in his seat so I can no longer see Reid. "Wheels up in ten," Aaron says stepping out of the room.

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