Juicy News Then Drinks

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*Isabelle's POV*

I wake up at three-thirty the next morning to make sure I have enough time to get ready and be at the mountain by four. When I pull up, I see Aaron getting out of his car and I get nervous butterflies. I've seen him in short running shorts and a tank-top but something about today was different. I get out and jog up to him. "You're never late are you?" I joke.

He smirked at me, "I try not to be late ever but I make it especially a point when a beautiful woman is involved. Let's go."

When we run together, we're usually quiet but today especially. I was trying to make sense of his comment and my feelings for him. I knew I couldn't date him because dating a co-worker is forbidden but your boss?!

We take a quick break at the top to take in the view before heading back down. "A penny for your thoughts?" Aaron asks interrupting my very inappropriate thoughts of him.

I turn away from him hopefully before he saw my crimson face, "Just thinking about how beautiful nature is and how grateful I am that I met you. What about you?"

I hear him clear his throat from behind me, "I'm so glad we run together almost every day. At least now we can run together every day if we want."

When I get into my car, I call Garcia, "Hey pretty momma. Meet me at my apartment, I have some juicy news for you. You have to promise not to tell anyone. And I mean NO ONE. At ALL Garcia. You hear me? No one."

"OK gorgeous I'll be over there soon. Leave the door unlocked." I hung up and ran into my apartment to shower and change before Garcia came over.

"Ok babe, I'm here!" Garcia yells from across my apartment.

"I'm in the back bedroom!" I yell back. When she walks in I start talking immediately, "You can't tell anyone. At all. OK?"

Garcia grins at me, "You know my policies. If it helps you and will do you no harm, that information is up for grabs."

I groan, "Fine. But this is serious." I take a deep breath. "I know Hotch."

"We all know him silly."

"No. You don't understand. I knew him before I worked for the BAU. I was doing a workout at the watering hill one day and he commented on my form and we chatted. And then we started running into each other more often and then we decided to just run together. So we exchanged numbers and everything," I gasp breathless.

"That's juicy but not emergency worthy. Was that all?" she asks laughing.

"I think I'm in love with our boss," I blurt out and Garcia chokes on nothing.

"THAT is emergency worthy. Is there anything else?" I rush to tell her everything from my first day, to last night, to this morning. Because I was in such a sharing mood, I also told her about meeting the genius Doctor Spencer Reid and grinding on THE Derek Morgan. "Oh my god! You and Derek were grinding?! I'm so totally going to use that against him."

I pale at the thought, "Please don't. I don't think he even know that it was me. And I'd rather not have him hunting me if I'm ever going to have a chance with Aaron."

Garcia agrees before we head to work in our separate cars. When I walk into the building, I see everyone scatter away from Reid when they saw me, Garcia the fastest. I walked up to Reid and leaned against his desk, "What was that about?"

"What?" he asks playing dumb. I raised my eye brows, "You and Morgan huh?"

I blush furiously, "It wasn't anything. I- I was celebrating getting an interview for the BAU. It was alway my dream to be a part of the BAU, did you know that?"

Reid shakes his head and is about to speak before JJ calls us, "We have a case you guys."

*Fast forward to the flight back home*

Garcia and I were talking quietly when Morgan came up to us, "How are my two favorite women?" Morgan winks at me as he sits next to me.

I stare pleadingly at Garcia, "We're doing great," she says saving me.

"You're cool and we know a little bit about you but we should all go out for drinks to get to know you better," Morgan says.

"That would be fun," we both say at the same time.

*Fast forward to the bar*

Morgan and I are dancing (not grinding) out on the dance floor when a slow song comes on, "I was never taught how to slow dance," I say whispering into his ear.

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