Disobeying then Flirting

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"It's three-thirty in the morning and none of use have slept since yesterday morning. I think Hotch might let us come in late at least or he might let us take the day off," Reid says.

I sigh, "I'm not allowed to come in for a full week. What am I going to do?!"

"Sleep. You need to get lots of rest. We can't have you physically hurt-" Reid starts.

"I'm not psychologically damaged!" I whisper yell exasperated.

Reid whisper yells right back, "You were just raped! Explain to me how that doesn't mess with you psychologically."

I blush and turn away, "It's not the first time."

"What? What do you mean "it's not the first time?" Reid questions, panic seeping into his expression.

I speak so quietly that I'm surprised Reid can hear me, "That's my ex. He raped me and got me pregnant, which is why my parents kicked me out and I moved to Paris. My brother liked me to think he was going to rape me but that was worse because I was always mentally there. Too terrified to not pay attention. Caden was different. At first I wanted to. But then he kept wanting to and eventually, he started- whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. It's all my fault that those teenage girls got killed. My parents never told anyone why I left, not even my ex or my brother. They made it seem like I was a coward who ran away from my family."

I break down crying into Reid's arms, "Shhhhh. I've got you."

"I need to know that I can save people. Not just cause their deaths. I need to go back to work!" I sob.

Reid smiles at me, "Hotch said no, BUT if you work with Garcia, you can tell me all your ideas from her room and help her with whatever you can. What Hotch doesn't know won't kill him."

"What won't kill me?" Aaron says standing behind us.

I was speechless but Reid reacted quickly, "They're her brother and her ex. And her ex has- Done that before. I don't think she is in any danger of being psychologically out of it."

Shaking his head, Aaron groans, "The rest of the week. That's all I ask of you. Deal?" I nod quickly, knowing that I won't wait that long at all.

We all disperse and go home to get some rest before the rest of them have to be at headquarters by noon.

I wake up at two and call Garcia on the work phone, "Talk dirty to me."

I laugh before complying, "I just woke up is the team in another state?"

"Yes. Kentucky. Why, babe?"

"Can I come in and help you?" I beg.

Groaning, she concedes, "Yes, but if we get in trouble I'm betting your skinny ass."

I quickly change into a black sports bra, light grey zip-up hoodie, a light grey beanie, and black sweats before driving into work. Garcia continues to sneak me into the BAU after the team leaves until Saturday when I decide that I'm going get on the plane with them regardless of what Aaron thinks.

I decided to pack a maroon sports bra, a light-grey tank top, a maroon beanie, black converse and black yoga pants. I also packed a similar set but teals and whites, and a few professional looking outfits as well.

I drive up wearing my usual professional outfit and wait until everyone else is on the plane before I get out with my go bag and run up the steps right before it closes. I drop my go bag with the rest of them before walking around the corner and seeing that Aaron's back is to me.

I smirk to myself and make sure that everyone needs to ignore me. I quietly walk up behind Aaron and start massaging his shoulder causing him to jump, "You seem on edge boss-man. You really need to relax."

"Sinclair, I told you you can't come into work until Monday. I specifically told you there would be consequences."

I laugh at his anger, "What are you going to do boss? Spank me?" Which caused few of the others to laugh. "I've been working with Garcia this whole time. I didn't let her kick me out so I accept full responsibility."

Rolling his eyes, Aaron hand me a case file, "Since you can't leave anymore and you wouldn't have listened anyways, here you go. And stop massaging my shoulders already!"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I giggle dancing away with the case file.

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