True Feelings and The Past Finally Meet

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*One and a half months later (Morgan and Isabelle are still dating and Reid and Isabelle are best friends*

Aaron hasn't been texting me to say if he wants to meet up in the mornings to run so I just go by myself. If he doesn't want to, I won't push him. This morning, I decided to go for a fifteen mile run. The whole time I spent thinking about Morgan.

I am really starting to think that we're working out well. Morgan has never pressured me but I think he wants to have sex with me but I just can't bring myself to think of him like that. I don't know why and that is what I'm trying to figure out.

With five miles left, I decide to tempo back, just increasing the pace enough that it's harder for me to focus. I am in the last stretch and I'm passing Morgan's house and decide to stop by. I walk into his house without knocking. "Morgan!" I yell walking into his bedroom where I assume he is sleeping.

When I enter, I see he is fast asleep. I sit on the edge of the bed gathering my thoughts. When he rolls over and sees me, he smiles. When I don't smile back he frown and sits upright. "What's wrong, sugar?" I hear the worry in his voice.

I burst in to tears and he pulls me, sweat and all, into his lap and rocks me, "This is not working. WE'RE not working. I was trying I really was. I love you I do but I don't think I can be there for you like that. I've never been good with relationship but this doesn't feel right. I'm sorry but I know I can't love you because I can't stop think about someone else."

Morgan is speechless but still holding me, "What can I do to make this work?"

"It's not fixable. I could never sleep with you, or do anything like that because I- You're like a brother to me. You comfort me when I'm sad you're there to talk to when I'm bored or sad or even happy. I love you like and brother and a friend. I know this now because that's how I feel about Reid. I'm sorry but I just can't keep doing this. It's only going to hurt you and I can't do that to you." I clasp my hands into the fabric of his shirt, spreading my tears all over it.

Morgan kissed my head, "I know. I feel it too. I do love you but I could never touch you like that. Thinking about when we met even gives me shivers. I was afraid to tell you in case you really fell for me. I would never let you get hurt. I promise you little sister, no one will ever hurt you."

A shiver runs down my spine as I vaguely remember the last time someone told me that. I couldn't quite recall. After the whole ordeal, Morgan drives me home so I can shower. I am so relieved that Morgan understands what's going on. As I'm about to leave for work, I get a group text from Aaron. "We have a case. Get in here as fast as you can so we can brief you."

When I get to work, I head straight to the room and wait for Garcia, Rossi, and JJ to come in. The moment Rossi steps into the doorway, Aaron begins briefing us immediately, "We're staying here for this case. Six girls have been raped, murdered, and found in hotel rooms. The girls were all restrained by pink nylon jump ropes. They were found face down with their arms and legs tied to the four posters of the beds. So far, the only connection between the victim were that they were between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, they all have brown hair, and they all attend Summerset High," Aaron begins.

JJ speaks up, "That's where the similarities end, all their interests vary, psychology, cello, writing, painter, singer, and law.

When JJ stops speaking, I get up and run out of the room, sick to my stomach. I make it to the end of the wall before I can no longer breath. I lean against the wall gasping for air trying not to faint. I hear a voice but I can't make out what it's saying and my vision starts to get black around the edges. I feel arms roughly grab mine and yank them above my head.

My hearing starts to recover at the same pace that I begin to regain my eyesight, "Breath deeply. That's it. Just focus on the sound of my voice, OK? I'm going to take you into Hotch's office and sit you down and Hotch is getting you a glass of water OK?"

When I'm sitting down, I turn and see Rossi sitting next to me, gently running his hands through my hair. Like a child, I curl up into his lap and cry. I only sort of register that the door had been opened and closed but I'm breathing enough that I begin to explain. "Rossi, I know I don't deserve it but you're like a father I never had. He kicked me out. Him and my mom. Because- because I got pregnant. It wasn't my fault. IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" I scream beginning to cry again.

I feel another set of hands gently rubbing my back. Rossi kisses my head and looks down at me, "I'll always be here for you kid. If you want to explain, I will listen and not judge."

I sigh, "My father never listened or else my brother would be in a mental institute. My mother always found some reason to be disappointed in me. I was good. I really was."

"I'm sure you were," Rossi whispers into my head.

"I had good grades, I was musically inclined, I was good at sports, I have big ambitions but it was never good enough for her. I thought I was in love, it was my first boyfriend so I had nothing to compare it to. He wanted to have sex and I knew my mother would hate me if I said yes so I constantly told him no."

Rossi continued to hold me tight so I was encouraged to continue, "If you want to stop, we can."

"Then I was mad at her and left for his house to cool down and we were cuddling on the couch and suddenly his hand were in my pants and I felt so safe I let him. It didn't end their though. He'd come to my house at night and try to come into my room. Between the two it was too hard to tell the difference anymore."

Rossi looked confused, "Who was the other person?"

"I stopped sleeping, if I slept he would have actually done it. When I found out I was pregnant, I went crawling to my parents and begged for help but they told me I had one day to gather what ever I could and told me to get out and never return. They let HIM stay but I never TOLD them. He made it painfully obvious. Even at the age of twelve I was starting to see it, but I didn't understand what he would try to do. They never tried to see what was going on!" I say bawling like a baby all over again.

I hear someone speaking but I can't focus enough to tell who it is, "I'll take her to her house and stay with her until I know she'll be fine and then I'll come right back."

I hear someone else respond, "Aaron, take her to your house and stay with her. She can't be left alone right now. OK? We'll call you as we find out new information."

Aaron replies, "OK Rossi. You're right. Just call me." The last thing I remember before passing out is being lifted up and carried from the couch.

When I come to, I'm in a different bed and a different room. I am about to scream but Aaron walks into the room and sees that I'm awake. "Hey sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"

"Like crap. Can I have some coffee?" I ask groggy from my nap.

Aaron smiles warmly at me, "Sure. Come into the kitchen and I'll make you some."

We leave the bedroom and he puts a pot of coffee on for us. "Thank you," I whisper ashamed that I bawled like a baby in front of my boss.

Aaron wraps me up in a warm hug and talks into my hair, "Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. The coffee will be done in a minute but I have to run to the restroom. I'll be right back."

I nod as he walks out of the room already decided on what I'm going to do. I grab his car keys and walk out the front door, locking it behind me. I jog to the parking lot and quickly find his car. I make sure my gun is strapped properly to my waist before getting in and driving back to the house that I thought I would never see again.

When I pull up, I have to pause to take a deep breath and work up the nerve to get out and ring their doorbell.

When I finally walk up to the front door and knock, my heart is in my stomach and I want to run right back to Aaron and his house. The door opens and a tall brown-haired man is standing in front of me. I almost turn back but he speaks. "Hey, little sister," and I feel like passing out. "Mom and Dad are out. Do you want to come in and wait?" he asks so innocently.

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