Sass and Stories to Stall

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When I regained consciousness, the room is empty and it gives me a chance to look around. I see walls that are really far from each other. The walls are grey and have grey, metallic boxes stacked all around the edges. "We're in a warehouse," I think to myself. I stand up to relieve my hands because the rope caused them to fall asleep when I was out cold. When I do, I feel the pain radiating from my stomach. I look down and see that all my wounds have been sewn shut with medical precision.

"And I told that bitch-"Jeff is saying as he walks in. "Hey, little sis! Good to see that you're awake."

"Is it story time, babe?" Caden bellows.

"Fine. Once upon a time, there were-"

"Not what he meant. I thought that because you made it to the BAU that meant you were smart. I guess I was wrong. How about you tell us that little secret of yours and we'll stop cutting your stomach up."

I glance at the clock and see that it's been fourteen hours since I was kidnapped. I didn't think that I would be killed anytime soon but I still wanted to get the most of my time out of whatever time I had left. "I'll tell you on one condition, you let me tell you the whole story. From the beginning to end."

Jeff and Caden turn around and begin whispering to each other. "We decided that that is acceptable. I'll grab two chairs for us while you relax."

I mentally prepare myself to tell the story in the longest possible way. I try to remember every detail I can from the time Jeffery came into my room that first night when I was thirteen, to the way I fell in love with Caden, to my pregnancy, to my time in Paris and when I moved back here.

When Jeff pulls in the chair, I begin my tale and speak as slowly as I can without making it obvious what I am doing. By the time I finished my tale, it had been three and a half hours. That's seventeen and a half hours since I was first abducted. They have to be close to finding me.

"You killed our baby?! You little bitch. How fucking dare you!" Caden scream.

"I wouldn't kill an innocent baby! I'm glad I didn't have to have a kid with you because you're a piece of trash you fucking ass-wipe. I hate you both!" I scream right back.

In anger, Caden swipes all of the tools off the metal table and unties me from the hook but ties me down on the table. Caden removes his shirt, his belt, and then his pants. I turn away with tears in my eyes.

Jeff yells at Caden angrily, "What the fuck man! I told you we were going to record it!"

"Get the camera quickly, then!" Caden snaps. As Caden is waiting, he strokes my bare legs, "I'm so looking forward to this, bitch."

Jeff runs back in with a camera and as Jeff's setting it up, Caden pulls on a black ski mask. "Ready," calls Jeff from behind the camera as panic sets in.

Caden crawls on top of me and starts kissing my chest, neck, and face. I turn my head away from the camera but Caden growls at me and forces me to look at the camera. He sits up and removes both of our underwear and I begin to whimper.

I scream as Caden thrusts his body into mine. Tears are streaming down my face freely when the door bangs open. Caden keeps rocking the table as Jeff begins to shoot at the people who entered.

"FBI! Step away from the girl, "a familiar voice calls. I try to recognize it but my brain has already removed itself too much.

"I don't have a clear enough shot!"

"He's not stopping, Hotch."

"Fuck protocol!" a fourth voice yells. Within seconds, Caden is being pulled out and off of me. I feel a soft blanket cover me before I am scooped up into strong arms. I curl up into them, instinctively feeling safe in them. A warm voice whispers to me, "I'm here for you. I'm not letting you go that easy ever again."

When I come out of my shell, I look up at my savior to find that it was Aaron. "Thank you," I whisper in his ear wrapping my arms around him.

Aaron smiles gently down at me, "Let's get you some clothes." The paramedics check on me while Aaron runs back to find my clothes. Aaron jogs back to the ambulance, hops in, and hand me my clothes. "Can you please hold the blanket up so I have some kind of privacy?" I ask politely.

We maneuver around so I get the blanket off and no one else sees me naked. After I'm done changing, I take the blanket from Aaron and fold it up. He clears his throat, "I don't want you coming into work for at least one week. I'd say two but then I know you'd just blatantly ignore me."

I scowl at the thought of a week alone in my house, "No. I'm fine. I'm coming in tomorrow."

Aaron grabbed my face with both hands, "Now, it's an order. If you disobey me, there will be serious consequences."

I laugh putting my hands on his chest, "Like what, Mr. Bossy-pants?" I expect him to kiss me by how close we are but he just lets go of my face and steps out of the ambulance. Reid walks up when he sees Aaron walk away, "Hey. What was that about?"

"My heart breaking," I pout.

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