Jealousy and the Past

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*Aaron's POV*

I watch as Isabelle leans into Morgan and whispers into his ear. Then I watch him pull her against him as they start slow dancing. I know I shouldn't care and I try to throw myself into the conversation between Garcia, Prentiss, JJ, Rossi, and Reid. As I'm sitting their I can't help but keep looking over at Isabelle and wishing I was the one dancing with her. I couldn't take it, "Hey guys. I have to get home to Jack and let Jess go to bed at her own house. I'll see you all tomorrow." I say as I get up paying for my beer.

I'm unlocking my car as Rossi comes up behind me, "Hey. Can I get a ride with you? I think I had a few too many."

"Yeah," I answer. "Get in."

The ride is silent except for Rossi's occasional directions. When I pull up to Rossi's house, he unbuckles but stops with his hand on the doorknob. "What is it about her?"

I feel my heart race, "What?"

"Isabelle. I see how you look at her. I know she's pretty but you don't even know her. You've only worked with her for a week and that's not very revealing," Rossi states.

I turn to look out the window, "I know Isabelle." As I stare, I start to tell Rossi, "I met her on a run and I couldn't help but admire her form so I made a comment and I thought that was it but then we ran into each other more often. I can't lie, I made sure to take the same run at the same time in hopes that she would be there. After a few times of running into each other, we decided to run together. Neither of us talked about our jobs so it was a complete surprise when she came in." I take a deep breath trying to keep my heart from racing. As I stare out the window, I start to remember other thing that I had entirely forgotten about. "I- I knew her before," I say in shock turning to Rossi in the seat next to me.

Rossi removes his hand from the knob and has it resting in his lap, "What do you mean?"

"We were all friends," I try to say. Rossi looks at me in confusion, "Haley, Isabelle, and me. We were good friends but then her parents kicked her out and she moved to Paris. At the time, I was head over heels for Isabelle but I eventually got over it when Haley and I dated."

Rossi looks a little less confused, "But why does that matter? All children think they love some that they don't and that was many years ago."

I blush, "Five years ago, I picked her up from the airport. I didn't remember because of Haley. I didn't realize how much I missed her so when she left our house, I never texted her. I never got her number. I knew I couldn't have anything to do with her or else I knew I would lose Haley."

Rossi looks at me with sympathy, "And so you blocked any thoughts of her so your relationship wouldn't be damaged. Is that when you really started throwing yourself into your work?"

"I knew I couldn't spend less time with them but at that point, I starting to not think about home when I was at work. That way when I was home, I'd only think about what was there. I really loved her you know. Haley. But Isabelle and I also had something- different. Magical almost. I can't stand seeing her with him. It hurts almost as bad as Haley leaving me all over again. She probably forgot about me immediately. What with all her fancy dresses, designer clothes, rich friends, and yet another new life."

Rossi pats my hand gently, "Don't beat yourself up. You forgot about her too. I think both of you knew that it wouldn't work and moved on."

"I know. But it's almost like a jab when she flirts with him. Kind of like a look at what you missed out on," I sigh.

Rossi opens the door, "I don't know what to tell you. Goodnight."

*Isabelle's POV*

Morgan taught me how to slow dance and it turns out that years of ballet, no matter how long ago, actually help. When we stumble back to the table erupting in laughter, I see that Aaron left without saying goodbye. I also notice that Rossi left as well. "Where did Rossi and Aaron go?"

Garcia looks up at me with an innocent face, "Hotch just left and Rossi tailed after him. Who knows why?"

I try to play it off with a laugh, "Rossi doesn't trust Aaron that much, does he?"

"No he doesn't, " JJ replies as everyone else giggles around us. After about another hour, I excuse myself to go home.

I reach my house by midnight and still haven't receive a message from Aaron saying that he wants to run tomorrow so I just assume that he doesn't feel like it and text Reid instead. "Hey. I know it's late but can I pick your brains tomorrow morning over coffee tomorrow before work?"

Two minutes later I receive an answer, "I'd love that. Dutch just around the corner from work at six?"

"Sure thing. Goodnight."

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