Dan's POV

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Jade: "Tell me about yourself, what's it like being ace, has anyone ever despised or judged you for being ace?"

Dan: "I am ace, something I have known for a while, but it was not a 'big thing' till I got to high school and people started acting 'odd.' For me, I would not have felt the need to come out and tell people for it was nothing big or nothing new to me and it barely impacted my life at all, if it were not for the vast amount of people pushing topics about sex and sexual attraction into such a large part of daily conversation and the media. Few of my friends understand my sexuality. Others try to figure it out and politely ask me about it, or have gone on late night adventures on Google to better understand. Others plainly have told me I am crazy (they were quickly either told off by my closest of friends.)"

Jade: "What was your reaction on the mass shooting?"

Dan: "

Jade: "If you had the power what would you change about the situation the LGBTQ+ community is in?"

Dan: "The LGBTQ+ community is constantly evolving to help one another and to bring back rights that should not have been taken in the first place. If I had the power, I would try to make the community a better place for all people who need that support and acceptance because right now, there is still a lot of hate coming not only towards the community from the outside, but also internally from people who feel like others don't belong. I personally have had experiences where i was not accepted in the community for being ace, needing to look hard to find people to talk to and people who can accept me. The community should have more programs to help people who are unsure about who they are, feel unsafe or unwanted. People who just need someone to be there for them to help in any way they can.Not only this, but education for the general population, will not only help members of the community, but also help those who know someone in the community or may meet someone. For change cannot occur unless people understand. Being closed minded only comes from not understanding and from being taught to not understand. And help for people in the community in relation to their religions and beliefs, to help show them that there is not something wrong with them and how their beliefs support them in their lives. And how to show others the same.In order to become accepted fully into the world and supported for who we are, we must first accept and support each other. And by talking to everyone, we will make ours a world where you are not made less of a person for not being the same as the 'set model.' For we are all human and we cannot improve the world if we are still looking down on people who are different to what is expected of them.To put being able to be who you are and be accepted for it on the universal declaration of human rights."
Jade: "What was your reaction to the mass shooting in Orlando?"
Dan: "Orlando was a horrid event, not only for the LGBT+ community, but for humanity itself. The fact that hate was allowed to manifest itself to that point where a man would go in and mindlessly slaughter 49 people and injure 50 is something that cannot be tolerated. Not only did his actions hurt the victims family members of the shooting, but it hurt all who were thinking about going/go to places where LGBT+ people gather for support and to just have a good time. The scars he left on the community and our generation are something that will stay with us for decades to come.
The fact that many influential people jumped to blame it on Islam is another thing altogether. For it is one thing to blame one deranged man, and an entire other thing to blame an entire religion for something so horrid.
It was a act of hate and that is that.
Yes, he may have acted on behalf on some terrorist group, or he may have acted out of free will. The fact is, the club was targeted because it was a gathering of our people. And that is not something to be ignored.
The event and the lives cut short should be avenged. But not through hate or rude words or riots. But through speech. By standing and saying that enough is enough.
When one is killed out of hate it is time to change.
When many are killed it is a sign that change is no longer an option, but a necessity.
Assault rifles and guns made to kill many and fast are not made for "protection" or "hunting", they are made for murder and that is it.
If you like shooting them, restrict it to be only allowed to be on a gun range, and face criminal charges if it is taken off the range.
Take the guns away, for no gun is a safe gun.
Mass shootings are not okay. And mass shootings against specific groups are even worse.
Coming from a country where guns are banned, we have never even seen a shooting of this magnitude.
Coming from another where guns are not controlled, we would worry if we did not hear a gunshot ringing out every hour.
Living in a country that people will defend their 'right' to have machines designed to murder for sale without even a background check.
Shootings of any kind are not okay.
And killings of specific groups of people are even worse.
Not one person on this earth can naturally kill. It takes months, years to be able to pull a trigger. So if he could have that long to convince himself it is okay, and no one did anything. That is extremely wrong.
No-one should rub this off as a terrorist attack. It is and will always be a mass shooting act of hate.
There should be no reason that people should be discriminated against for their race, religion, sexuality, gender or anything. Especially not in a country that prides itself so dearly in its 'freedom'.
Through education, new laws, and working together, Orlando could have been prevented.
When we are little we are taught, if you don't like something, keep it to yourself. We are taught to discuss and debate.
But i would not go and mindlessly kill all cats because i like dogs more.
I would not go kill anyone with brown hair because i have blonde hair and people should only have blonde hair.
Because they cannot change that. And they should not have to.
One debates coke vs pepsi, to use or not use the oxford comma, to spell honour with or without a u. One stands for or against guns, slavery, trade agreements, laws.
One debates things that can change. Not things that are not meant to.
Last time a specific group of people were targeted and murdered. War was declared on the murdering party.
This is not an event to be taken lightly.
We must stand together. Not apart. For there is so much more in the world to hate and act against. Like climate change or wars or poverty or pollution. We cannot change if we are pulled back every so often due to someone targeting a group of people.
Orlando should show people not to hate, but that hate exists. And that hate should be abolished.
It should be a wake up call, that it has too long been ignored.
Together we are strong.
If divided we stand. Divided we fall"

Jade: "Wow, very powerful words, thank you for letting me interview you."

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