LGBTQ Project

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After the anti gay massacre in Orlando, I started a project. You paint the gay flag onto your face like in the picture below. That's me by the way.

I also did the American flag because the massacre happened in America, you can do whatever country you want or you can do a gay flag

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I also did the American flag because the massacre happened in America, you can do whatever country you want or you can do a gay flag. The meaning of this project is to show that you believe that people should love whoever they want without being criticized or punished just for being themselves and just for loving people. I should've posted this earlier, I just didn't get around to it. Anyway that's the project I was doing after the massacre, my friend lizziefurr  also participated. She's the one who did the interview in one of the previous chapters called "Elizabeth's POV". She did the gay flag as well and the American flag on her hand because she didn't want to do it on her face. You can do this project on your arm, face, or hands. I guess you can do it other places but if your going to do it on one of your areas, please don't show people you don't know well unless your all for nudity, even though there's paint. Anyway that's the project I've been doing, you can do it if you want I just wanted to tell you guys about it :)
IMPORTANT: If your going to paint on your face and your planning on washing it off I recommend you put a makeup foundation on first, I used liquid foundation, it is just easier to wash the paint off. Also, use acrylic paint if you have it, or if your lucky and have actual face paint use that. Clean your face well if you wash it off so you don't break out and I don't know if it'll irritate your skin, mine didn't get irritated but everyone's skin is different so just take precaution.

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