Tyrnie's POV

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Jade: "So tell me about yourself."

Tyrnie: "I am a teenage girl. My name is Tyrnie and I have been confused my whole life about myself and who I'm suppose to be. I forced myself to think I was straight for five years until I admitted I was bisexual, but I knew little about sexualitys and after doing more research I have classified as Pansexual. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. "

Jade: "So what's it like being pansexual?"

Tyrnie: "Its simple but complicated at the same time. Its not just girls or guys, I am attracted to and can love everyone, agender, transgender, etc. And I really feel like bisexuals and pansexuals should really help out gays and lesbians because its a lot harder for them. Because, you can easily hide in society (even though you shouldn't) and you can easily accept attraction to people. Lesbians and gays have one preference and don't have the option of just saying "Well I am terrified to let people know I want to date the same gender so let's just date the opposite one.", and still be happy. And if a straight friend falls for them it could get complicated. So, beyond my rambling, being pansexual is different for everyone. Its hard for me because even though my family isn't religious, I am in a christian school and surrounded by many strict Christians. A couple people in my family think it'd wrong as well. So my family and classmates don't know."

Jade: "I remember when I went to a catholic school, I'm bi and I couldn't tell anyone I was bisexual because people would be like "you shouldn't be bi that is against God's law" and I'm just like dude I'm a person.

Tyrnie: "Exactly! Today my science teacher said homosexuals shouldn't have the privilege to get married and it made me so upset."

Jade: "You're teacher is a dick."

Tyrnie: "He is usually amazing. He use to support them as well. I don't know what happened. Its a shame though. My teachers are always dissing LGBT and it just ugh."

Jade: "Same. Have you ever been judged or despised for being pansexual?"

Tyrnie: "A good friend of mine started being really uncomfortable around me.

When I was a lot younger I was told by my peers that it was wrong to like other people but boys.

I was called a lesbian bitch and tackled in the school parking lot. (That's pansexual bitch to you, thank you very much stupid.)And the last one is me being judged in class by teachers and student for correcting teachers and arguing about LGBT."

Jade: "Oh damn."

Tyrnie: "*shrugs* I have dealt with a lot of things in my life, sometimes you just get used to things like this which is sad but true."

Jade: "Yeah. What was your reaction to the mass shooting in Orlando?"

Tyrnie: "Its completely awful how someone no matter what the circumstance, can even slightly harm a child. But killing so many. I cried. I balled my eyes out, because I thought of my little brother and one day that could be him, it could've been him in our very own school."

Jade: "I cried to, it was very sad."

Tyrnie: "Very."

Jade: " If you had the power, what would you change about the situation the LGBTQ+ community is in?"

Tyrnie: "I would make people understand how difficult it can be for us and make them know how we feel. Let them realise how dumb their logic can be and learn to accept us. Someone might have black hair and everyone says it would be better to have blonde hair and makes fun of them for it. They didn't choose to have that color of hair! And yes they could change it but it would be fake, and according to morals, fake and lying is bad. So why the fuck would you judge someone for who they are? Some people say a lot of stuff but they aren't practicing what they preach. It makes me so mad how ignorant and unwilling to learn some people can be."

Jade: "PREACH!"

Tyrnie: "*blushes* thank you. Amen. haha."

Jade: "Thank you for letting me interview you, you have given people a lot to think about."

As requested, here is Tyrnie's wattpad username, DepressedNAnxious . This is so you can talk to her if you need help, you can also message me for that if you want.

If you want to be interviewed for this, private message me and I will interview you as soon as I get the chance. Have a nice day :)

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