Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

"SO! tell me the truth.. who is he?" Nessie asked. I blushed, and looked down at my feet. 

"You swear not to say a word?" I whispered.

"I swear on chocolate!!" she grinned.

I leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Calum...."

Her jaw fell open and I knew she was about to scream, so I quickly covered her mouth before she could.

"Don't even think about it." I said. "Now I'll take my hand away if you promise to be a good girl and NOT scream."

She nodded gently. I removed my hand and she grinned wildly, mouthing NO WAY!

"Yeah way." I beamed as I clutched her hands and the two of us started to happy dance.

"OH my gosh, Jeny this is amazing!!! oh my gosh... how you gonna tell Ashton? he's gonna freak!!" she whispered.

"I know he's going to freak, that's why he doesn't know yet. An he won't know for a while either." I said.

"Okay.. SO! When did u start dating? How d it happen?! ar you having sex yet? is he amazing? is he a good kisser? is he romantic.. tell me everything!" she said, in a fast rambly voice.

I blinked a couple of times. "How are you related to Luke?"

"No changing the subject." she said.

"Ummm two months ago.... he gave me his umbrella when we were in London during that storm... i texted him after thanking.. and it went from there... umm not yet.. very amazing.. heck yes... and very....." i chuckled.

"Oh Jeny that's amazingly romantic." she gushed. "I'm so happy for the both of ya."

"Thank you.. but you have to swear to tell no one!!!" i said, "YOU are the ONLY person who knows..."

"Well, me and Calum." she joked. "But I can't even tell Luke or Michael?"

"No!!!! They can' keep secrets Ness!" i whined.

"Michael kept him and I a secret." she defended. 

"Yeah for like a week." I pointed out.

"True... btu we decided together to tell everyone..." she said. 

"And Luke about castrated him!" I said.

Nessie made a face as she recalled the memory. 

"Okay I see your point, I swear on our friendship that I will keep your secret."

"Okay.. thank you..." I smiled, and hugged her, "So we can room together right? i have my own room, Luke still wont let me share a room with Mikey..."

"Ewwww share a room with your snoring and radioactive butt?" I teased.

"hey..... it's a two bedroom suite...." she said, "Luke sometimes stays in with me when Mikey has family here....."

"I guess I can be your roomie for a while, might save me from Ashton and Calum's random fights and inappropriate moments." I laughed.

"Mmmhmm... and ill cover for you and Calum if you need a kissy face moment..." he said.

I threw my arms around her. "You da bestest!"

"You better not ever forget it!" she joked, hugging me back.

"How could I ever forget that Victoria?" I snickered.

She giggled and we headed back to see the boys getting ready to leave for the hotel.

"Alright, let's get rolling ladies... everyone to their prospective bedrooms.. yeah," Luke said, pointing his fingers at Michael and Vanessa. She rolled her eyes, and took her boyfriends hand, before sticking out her tongue and walking away.

"How would you feel if I knocked Ashton out with a hammer then suck into your room?" Calum whispered in my ear.

"I'd say be careful.... but yes please..." I chuckled

"Would it ease your mind if I used an inflatable hammer?" he offered.

"Yes.. or lie... make something up.. anything... but i need to see you tonight..." I whispered and headed out behind Vanessa and Michael. Just as I was getting into the SUV, my phone lit up with a tweet from Calum.

@Calum5SOS: Does anyone know where I can get an inflatable hammer???

I chuckled and sighed as we arrived at the hotel. make this day go a little faster yeah?

Ashton's POV

"I seriously can't believe my sister just showed up out of the blue. That's fucking awesome." I grinned as I walked down the hall with Calum.

"I know right.. how long has it been since you've seen her?" he asked.

"Since our last show in the US." I told him while fighting to get the room key our of my pocket.

"I was supposed to see her during the break before this leg of the tour, but she was on school camp." I stuck the key in the lock, but the door didn't open and I ended up running smack bang into to. 

"What the?" I said before trying the key again.

"Cal is this the bum key that didn't work in the lift this morning?"

"I think so...." he shrugged.I whined loudly and aimed a kick at the door, which sent a shooting pain up my big toe. I forgot I was only wearing Vans.

"Well done Ash," he said, and put his card in the door and went right in.

"Thanks for the sympathy mate." I grumbled, hobbling in behind him. "What's going on with you tonight, you're not yourself."

"What do you mean?" he chuckled.

"I mean you're usually loud and crazy after a show and we make stupid keeks together. There was none of that tonight." I said.

"OH... sorry.. just a lot on my mind.." he shrugged.

"Wanna talk?" I asked him as I kicked my shoes off.

"It's a girl...." he said, "No big!"

"Okay and?" I said. "What's the problem with this girl?"

"Her family is.. protective..... VERY protective......" he said, "If they find out im with her.. i may lose my twig and berries if you know what i mean!"

I shuddered. "Yeah, I get what you mean trust me......and it's not really a twig, I'd say you're more of a branch. A twig's skinnier."

"Okay seriously dude.. can we not continue the talk on my junk and talk about... her... this amazing girl... I'm CRAZY about her... LOVE HER! but how can I ever tell her if we may always be a secret.." he whined.

"Come clean to her family." I said simply. "If your feelings are that strong there's no reason to hide. Besides her family's opinions shouldn't affect your relationship."

"They should... trust me.. it's complicated.. her family's opinion means the world to her..." he said.

"But it's not their relationship, it's hers. It's her decision who she dates, yes her family's important and I get that but if she keeps letting her fear of them run her life, she'll end up miserable." I said. Wow, guess I can be deep.

"Yeah i guess ill talk to her... you mind if I take a walk.. clear my head, make a phone call?" he asked.

"Go ahead." I said. "I'll go annoy Luke and Michael for a while."

"Okay.. thanks man.." he said, and headed out the door, phone in hand.

"Good luck!" I yelled after him. Whoever the girl is, I hope she knows how lucky she time to go annoy the shit out of Michael and Luke.

"Yeah Yeah!" he said, waving his hand behind him still texting like a maniac, as I head to Luke and Michael's room. I heard video games. Woohoo! FIFA here I come. 

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