Chapter 9

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Calum's POV

"You're amazing," Jeny whispered, kissing my chest, "can we do that again?"

YES YES YES! You pipe down old chap! Old? OLD? Why I oughta.

"As much as I'd like to, I'm worn out." I chuckled.

She pouted, "But you have me addicted Cal, its not nice to deny your girl love and affection."

"Cal, we gotta go to sound check." ash said thru the door.

"But that is enough to deny it." I said and reached for my boxers.

"Boo on responsibility," she chuckled. We got dressed and headed out fingers linked, but she paused. In the lobby of the hotel fear coming over her beautiful features

"Umm i uh forgot something go on ahead." she squeaked pulling away.

"Jen what the bloody hell?" That was all I could get out before she turned into a human blur and hurried away.

"Eny!!!" i whined.

"Man! There are so many paps and fans out there this is gonna be crazy!!" Michael grinned.

Oh shit, fuck, balls, so many other swear words I don't feel like using cause I'm lazy. Now I get it.

"You guys go i am going after my girl," i said and legged it to the elevator.

I spotted her at the very end of the hall, frantically pressing the call button.

"Come on come on you hunk of junk." I heard her say.

"Jeny Rae," i said softly, "please don't run from me."

"I am not running I am hiding until all of the fans and rats with cameras leave." she said.

"Bubba u were just so excited about us being free this morning," i whispered stroking her face gently.

"That was until I saw all the girls outside who are more protective and possessive of you than your own mother is." she said shakily.

"I understand my love. Will you come to the show still?" i said sadly getting her into a cuddle.

She held onto my shoulders so tightly, her nails dug into my skin. "Okay fine I'll be there, but only because it means so much to you."

"I love you, Jennifer Rae Irwin and nothing would mean more than to have you side stage with me," i mumbled into the top of her head.

Jen stood up on her tip toes and hid her face in the crook of my neck. "I love you too Calum Thomas."

"Please don't leave me. I know the fans are crazy but please please don't leave me." i whispered nervously.

"I wasn't going to leave you you fool." she said, a hint of playfulness in her voice. "I just wanted to hide out for a bit until there wasn't so many of them."

"Thats what Gina said and then i never saw her again." i said. My ex from when the band first began and until Jen i had no idea what real love was.

"Yeah but Gina's a cow we all know that." snorted Jen.

"I know," i smiled and kissed her with everything i had, "i love you!"

"And I love pizza." she said before smacking my bottom and skipping away.

I sighed and headed out to the SUV. It killed me to not share how much i loved her.

"What the bloody hell took you guys so long?" Michael complained from the back row. "We've been waiting for ages."

"Jen got a little scared of the crowd," i said softly.

"Why? She's never had a problem shoving things in people's faces and ripping their hearts out and destroying their trust." Ashton said sarcastically.

"Don't start," i mumbled, "mad or not thats your sister!!"

"Mad or not that's your sister." he mocked.

"I just hate that shes so frightened. its tearing me up," i said to Ness and Michael.

"I can imagine it would, but don't smother her. She needs to get thick skin if she's going to go out in public with you. You need to find that balance where she's comfortable but not swaddled." Vanessa said.

"But im supposed to protect her." i said.

"And you can still do that while letting her fight her own battles. Chicks aren't just designed to look pretty they can pack a punch....and a kick especially when wearing heels." Michael said

"Alright," i said running my hand over my face.

Jen's POV

Right i can do this. Calum and i love each other.

I have to do this for him, I have to. He stood up to Ashton for me, heck he took a BEATING from Ashton for me. The least I can do is walk outside with him.

I sighed grabbed my things and headed out but they'd already left and i was suddenly surrounded by fans and paps with no guard! Thankfully they only knew me Ashton's sister right now.

"Are you excited to see your brother perform tonight? I think it's awesome that you came to support him." one said.

"I am very excited!! School has been nuts so its great to get time off to be here!!" i smiled hailing a taxi.

"On a scale of 1 to 100 how proud are you of Ashton?" another said as the taxi pulled up.

"A million!!" i grinned and as i got in the taxi i heard it.

"Omg!!! Those are Calum's bracelets and his flannel!!" a fan shouted. And door is shut. Whew pull away taxi man.

Pull away pull away! That's what she said. You pipe down Missy they may have just figured out my secret so put a sock in it.

The taxi was honking and trying to get thru the fans and things, then he was finally able to tear away.

"Man that was intense to say the least." the driver said with a laugh.

"Welcome to life of fandoms!!" i laughed.

"You're used to it from the sounds of that." he said while punching some buttons on his fare metre. "So where to sweetheart?"

"Rod Laver Arena." I told him.

"You got it!!" he said and we headed that way.

We zoomed off through South Bank, heading in the direction Richmond where the venue was. I sunk back into the leather seat and sent a frantic text to Calum.

J: 000! Emergency! I think the fans have figured us out!

C: HOW??? Are u okay??? ARE U HURT???

Awww could he be any cuter? We've potentially been outed and he's more worried about me.

J: ive fine my love : ) ill b to u soon

C: Tell the driver to speed if he has to! I'll pay the fine

J: im like 2 blocks away u r fine ly xoxoxoxo

C: No I'm not! Michael and Harry are running round in tutus!

J: awww how cute i want one : (

C: u woudn't think it's cute if u saw it. They. Don't. Have. Pants. On. Just. BOXERS!

J: get me one and ill wear that and nothin but my undercloths  ;)

His response came in quicker than a bolt of lightning.

C: We're going tutu shopping later!

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