Chapter 7

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Calum's POV

Once i got to the level down I was a few feet from my door, before Ashton burst out of the stairwell, looking like an angry rushing bull. Fuck me!!1 okay okay angry drummer! run run run!!!

Well what else am I meant to fucking do?! Stand here and pretend I can't see him and hope he can't see me either?! Mate now is not the time! Alright alright I'm running gee touchy.

Once i shut my hotel room door he was banging on it.

"CALUM THOMAS!! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!!!!!!" he demanded.

"No one's here sonny go back to your girlfriend!" I said in a really really terrible old lady voice.

"Calum i swear to God, you better be shitting me right now. This thing you saying you're with my sister, you better be FUCKING SHITTING me right now," he said, angrily.

"Calum? There's no Calum here now you'd best leave me alone before I call hotel security." I said, still in the voice.

Wow you're digging yourself a deeper grave.

"Ill deal with your arse in the morning," he growled and i heard him stomp off. Fuck me i am screwed. what the hell were you thinking, all i know is you better make it to the arena first tomorrow, or Susie will be in pieces.

"Cal?" a gentle voice said. "What was all that noise?"

"Oh, um, hey baby," i cooed, and turned to face Jeny as she lifted up the note. Then her eyes shot open.

"Oh my god, what have you DONE!?" she shrieked.

"A bad bad thing." I admitted sheepishly. "But I couldn't stand to see you being blackmailed anymore."

"Oh Calum, oh my gosh, he's gonna kill you," she whimpered and i seen the panic all over her face as her bottom lip began to quiver.

"Yeah he'll be mad now but he'll get over it when he realizes that we're being honest with him.....or that's what I'm hoping." I said

"Let's hope so or your a dead Kiwi," she said.

"Fun fact Kiwi birds are actually endangered so we're close to being dead -"

"Calum!" she cut across.

"Sorry, babe, trust me when i say, i will happily take an arse beating to protect you," i said, softly, going over to crawl into bed with her.

"See if you still think that when he's put you in the ICU." she mumbled.

"I'd do anything for you, including allowing him to seriously mame or injure," i smiled.

she chuckled, and shook her head, "How dare you use Harry Potter references to make me smile, it's not fair."

I held one hand up like a boy scout would. "I solemnly swear that I am not quoting Harry Potter."

"Stop," she laughed, and shoved me, "You are so--" But i cut her off with a kiss, resting my hand on her hip.

"Umm, i ugh, don't remember," she blushed after we pulled apart. I smiled and kissed her again, as she pressed herself a bit tighter against me.. Being with Jeny drove me completely insane, and being so close only made it worse. I respected her choice to wait, but it didnt make it any harder to control my big man downstairs, he has a mind of his own, i swear.

"Hey there big boy how's it going?" she chortled. "My leg is enjoying feeling you pressed against it."

"I'm sorry, i can't control him," i chuckled.

"I don't mind, if you survive thru this we may have to discuss taking our relationship a bit further, any man willing to suffer severe injury for me has proven their love for me," she whispered, kissing me softly.

"Hmmmm we'll talk about it more in the morning when we know if I survive or not." I said, kissing the end of her nose.

"Sounds good, now sleep, right here, don't you dare think you are leaving my room," she whispered, snuggling in tight.

"Wasn't planning on leaving." I commented.

"Good," she breathed and slowly fell back asleep again. Nothing could have made this night any better, we were finally free to be out and enjoy being a real couple, even tho i knew i would have to take a beating first. Her love, the happiness she gave me, was all that mattered.

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