Chapter 5

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Ashton's POV

"You want me to do some research Ashy? see if i can find out who's she's seeing for you?" Bryana asked, her fingers linked with mine as we headed into the arena.

I flipped some hair out of my eyes and shook my head. "Nah, I don't want to be one of those kinds of brothers who sticks their noses where they don't belong."

"But it wouldn't be you who's doing it, it'd be me. Hence you're totally innocent." she pointed out.

"Yeah, i know, i just-" i began and then she kissed me. Damn those lips, every time.. boo.

"I want to help you baby, this is important, just to make sure the guy is good to her, thats it..." she whispered.

"Okay fine." I said. "Your mission should you choose to accept it Angels is to find out who has captured my little sisters heart."

"You got it Charlie," she smiled, kissed my lips and headed off, me looking after her, biting my bottom lip.

"Making sure her boobs don't pop as she bounces off?" Jeny's voice said from behind me.

My body lurched forward in fright and my limbs flailed about all over the place. "Don't do that! You know I'm jumpy." I complained.

"Sorry, you need to be on your toes, what the hell is she doing here anyways???" she snapped.

"Ummmm I'm sorry does she need permission to be here?" I said coldly.

She rolled her eyes, "No, i just wish I could have had a warning, you know i can't stand that fake bitch."

"And you know I can't stand it when you're acting like a petty little school girl who doesn't get her way." I said.

"Fuck you Ashton, you know damn well that girl hates me!!" she said.

I threw my hands in the air. "Oh my god! I can't keep having this same argument with you Jen. Look; you're my sister and I love you more than Doritos but I love Bryana too. She makes me really happy and I thought you of all people would accept that. All she wants is for you to like her because she knows how much you mean to me.

She sighed, "I get that Ash, i do, and i know for some reason she makes you happy, and I am sorry i am going so much by her past and the horrible things shes said to me and your fans, but its hard for me to let go of that kinda thing. YOU taught me to treat the fans like family, so I am VERY defensive of them, so because of how shes been with them, its hard for me to respect her okay?"

"How she's been with them? What the fucking hell is that supposed to mean Jen?" I spat.

She took a step towards me and stared me down. "Figure that one out for yourself bro."

She turned on her heel and shook her head.

"Stupid big brother, like he's blind to her weight shaming bitchiness," she growled to herself, storming off.

"Whingy little sister! Go cry to Mum about how I'm acting like a prick!" I shouted.

"NO! I think im gonna go sext my BOYFRIEND!!!!!! Send him some NUDES!!!!" she shouted back.

"Go ahead see if I care! But don't come crying to me when you supposed boyfriend plasters those pictures all over the Internet!" I lashed out.

I heard the side door slam shut and I turned to see Michael, Vanessa, and Calum shaking their heads.

"What?!?!?" i asked with a bit of a bite.

"Nothing, nothing not a thing. We were just looking for our friend Ashton, but we can't find him anywhere. Let us now if you see him though." Cal said before turning on his heel.

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