Chapter 10

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Calums pov

J: hahaha of course lol pulling in now oh no Cal there r a lot of fans here. I cant get thru!!!


I ripped my bass off of my shoulder and handed it to Luke; who looked at it the same way that Chandler looked at the lamp Ross handed him.

"Cal? Where's the fire?" Ashton said.

"It's Jen!" I called back. "She's trapped by fans outside!"

I bolted off only to be stopped by our security.

"You going out there will not help her!!" he said, "STAY!!" He ran off and i was debating on whether or not to listen. Go on nosy you know you wanna listen. Was that a jab at my big nose? For once no, but you need to know the situation and if Jen's in trouble or not. So i went to another security and stole their headset.

"Shes retrieved and has minor injuries!" i heard in my ear.

"Minor injuries?" I heard from behind me. I spun round and saw Ashton standing a couple of meters away from me; an earpiece in his ear. Guess he had the same idea as me.

"Yea," i said deserting my ear piece.

"This is why i didn't want any of you dating her.". He said.

"Don't start that shit now." I snarled dangerously.

"I was merely saying I had reasons!!" he said. Just then i heard it.

"Gerroff!!! Im fine its a cut lip geez!!"

I ripped the headset from my ear and discarded it on a nearby table before legging it towards the entrance. From the sounds of the shoes following close behind, Ash was hot on my tail.

Once i reached the door she came in and i latched myself around her.

"Are you OK? Who hurt you???" i asked examining her lip.

"I'm okay babe I swear, your breath however is not." she laughed.

"She's joking, something must be wrong if she's using humor. Did you know she does that Calum? Or is that something only her brother would know?" Ash said.

"For fucks sake clam it!!!" Jen snapped, "respect him or i am so done with you!!"

"You can't be done with me I'm your brother!" he argued.

"Watch me!" Jen said firmly.

"No offense but Ashton's right the lying and deception within this band is getting to be a lot. I'm sure am getting tired of it." Luke said coming in with his bobble head groupie.

"That's rich coming from you." Jen spat with venom.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Luke snapped back

"If you don't know then I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror." she said.

"If you don't know then just let me go," Michael crooned walking by.

"Great timing buddy." I sighed.

"Thanks mate! By they way happy for you and J!!" he said heading into catering.

"At least someone is." I said, looking Ashton directly in the eye.

Ashton just rolled his eyes and headed off.

"Six months Ashton. Six months!!" i said

"Wait I'm confused, six months for what?" Arzaylea said.

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