Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

After the show Arzaylea was just jumping with excitement.

"Gosh babe you were great!!!! you know you always outshine the rest of the guys so much! Even tonight when you seemed a bit off, you alright?" she asked as we entered our hotel room.

"A bit off? I thought we were bloody awesome tonight." I said.

"I could sense it babe, you're upset about something, you wanna talk about it?" she said, rubbing my shoulders.

"Hmmmmm talk about my problems or have you rub my shoulders? Tough decision." I said.

"Well how about i keep rubbing your shoulders and you tell me about your problems, it'll help release tension," she giggled.

"Or we could go hop in the shower and have hot, steamy shower sex?" I suggested.

She laughed and shrugged, "If you insist!!!!" So we did just that. Yay for getting laid!!!!! but afterwards, we lay in bed and i began telling her everything, about Michael and Vanessa, and deciding to move in together.

"OH my gosh, thats horrible babe to think they are both so disrespectful to not even tell you first or get their families opinions! Ya know, i always wondered if Michael was very respectful to you about this whole situation, hiding their relationship, now this," she said, shaking her head.

"Tell me about it." I muttered. "It's like they never even consider my feelings before they go and do shit like this."

"Damn baby, and now all this other shit with Jeny and Calum, there is very little respect going on in this band, like none!" she said.

I shot up in bed. "Wait wait wait back up there sexy naked lady. What shit with Jen and Cal?"

She gasped and covered her mouth. "Oops."

"Oops what? What could possible be... OH!!! CALUM!! he's Jeny's secret boyfriend?? oh Ashton is gonna be PISSED!!!!" i said, laying back in bed in shock.

"So pissed." she agreed. "He'd probably suspend Calum from a fence paling by his boxers."

"Oh I'd pay to see that," i chuckled, tracing patterns on her back, "Fuck, i need to tell him."

"No no, please don't Luke, i was supposed to keep it secret!!" she begged.

"anything for you," i cooed.

Her eye brow arched up. "Anything huh? Even..." she lowered herself down and whispered something in my ear.

"YES! always that!" I said nodding my head up and down.

"Then go get the handcuffs big boy and I'll get the cop outfit." she purred.

I bolted out of bed and bounced excitedly to her suitcase. WOOHOO fun sex games!!!!

Calum's POV

Jen collapsed into her bed very late that night about 2 AM after "pretending to go out partying with Bryana" which of course was her shopping late and Jeny carrying all her bags. So when i went to check on her she was asleep in her dress, heels still attached to her feet.

I rubbed my hand against my face then proceeded to remove her shoes - not gonna lie I had troubles with the buckles, don't judge me - and carefully cover her with the blankets.

My poor girl, it killed me to see her working so hard at something so fake, just to protect me and us. I would rather have my ass beat by my best mate then see her go thru all this.

So then why don't you go tell Ashton about you two? Then Jeny would be free from the She-Beast.

Well, just because I am okay with getting my ass beat doesn't mean im not still terrified.

Chicken! Bock bock bock bock bock chicken! I AM NOT A CHICKEN! Prove. It.

Fuck. Fuck. I wrote Jeny a quick note, swearing to her I'd end her suffering and risk telling him, that i couldn't stand to see her hurting anymore. One day of torture for her was too much. I kissed Jeny's temple, then headed out the hotel door, slowly making my way down the hall. i could hear him begging Bryana for sex thru the door, her drunken reply being nooooo stopppp tired. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. Okay, so im gonna die. This is it, if anyone is reading this know i love Jeny very much and everything i have i leave to her and my family. Thank you.

"What the fucking hell is that knocking noise?" Bryana slurred.

"Someone's at the door." Ashton said.

"Well get rid of 'em and come rub my feet." she ordered. Fucking hell prima Donna much? The chain rattled and the lock clicked before Ashton's face appeared.

"Hey man what are you doing here? Everything alright?" he said. Alright Calum here it goes, time to be a man and tell him what's going on.

"I ummm......just wanted to let you know that.....that....Jen got back safe g'night." I babbled before running off.

Chicken shit.

"Hey hey, wait, Cal, you came all the way down here to tell me that? and how would you know? you don't share a room? how would you know she's back alright?" he asked, coming out after me.

"She texted me and asked me to come tell you because she went straight to bed." I said while repeatedly pressing the button for the lift.

"Uh huh, well alright, but are you sure you didn't need anything? you just seem really flustered," he said. Well i got into the elevator and seconds before they shut, i waved and grinned.

"Jeny and I are dating, kay bye!!!!" i blurted out.

Thank god the doors shut when they did because I dread to think of what I'd be met with if they weren't. My untimely death and the death of 5SOS more than likely.

FireworksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon