Chapter 11

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Vanessa's POV

"Was that comment really necessary babe?" I chuckled to Michael as he flopped down into the seat next to me.

"Not really, but when is anything i say necessary?" he chuckled, kissing my shoulder, making it scrunch up to my chin.

"I love making you do that." he smirked. "Especially when your face goes all red and oh hey look it's doing that now. It's adorable."

"Stop Mikey, you're being so mean to your girlfriend," I pouted.

"Never mean, always gentle and loving," he cooed, hugging me into his side.

"Oh well isn't this just sickly sweet? You two remind me of those cheesy photos of the happy couple they put in picture frames."

Oh no, must she ruin every happy moment on this tour? Dear Lord, be my saving grace, please don't let me punch her in the face. Amen.

"Hey Arzaylea, can i help you with something?" i asked, politely.

"You're being nice to her why are you being nice to her?" Michael whispered in my ear.

"Because im better than her.." i said firmly.

"Ya know its a horrible thing you're doing to Luke," she said.

"I'm sorry are you talking about us or yourself?' Michael commented.

"Mike." I warned.

"You guys, keeping this from him for so long, now moving in together without even OCNSIDERING his feelings!!! its horrible, and very unkind..." she said.

"Okay." i began, getting to my feet. "Arzaylea I respect the fact that you're dating my brother and everything, but my relationship with Michael is not really any of your business."

"It is when it affects MY boyfriend, I care about him and because of that the things that affect him affect me," she said.

I had to grit my teeth and bite on my tongue to stop myself from spilling out everything I so desperately wanted to say to her. Mainly I wanted to tell her to shove it and go back to standing on the corner.

"Well im telling you now, politely to PLEASE butt out," I said.

A fake, barbie-like smile crept across her face, it sent shivers down my spine. "Now why would I ever want to do that, especially when it clearly gets under your skin."

"Why i outta," i growled and went to leap for her, but Michael held me back.

"Better than her," he whispered.

"What do you have against me Arzaylea?" I spat. "I'm Luke's SISTER it's not like I'm an ex girlfriend or anything, why are you so intend on making me miserable?"

"Because the less strings their are when i convince him to go solo, the better," she hissed quietly.

"Why the fuck would you want him to go solo?" I hissed back.

"Have a great day," she grinned and fluttered out of the room.

"Oh you get back here right now you fucking lying, manipulating horse-faced witch!" I shouted.

"LUKEY!!!! that sister of yours is calling me horrible names," she whined running off to him.

"So much for being better than her." Michael said.

"I don't care at this point, bitch needs to watch her back." I growled menacingly.

"What the hell Vanessa????" Luke asked coming in, "Why are you acting this way?? Ya know what I am so done with this bullshit, you and this whole fucking band and their fucking drama...."

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