Chapter 8

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Jen's POV

"Calum come on hurry up we're going to miss it!" I said eagerly as we ran through a grassy meadow. The sun was beaming down on my face, bathing me in a warm glow and there was a soft breeze flowing through the trees.

"I'm. Coming. Why. Do you have. To run. So. Fast?" Calum panted.

I paused at the top of a hill to let the slow poke catch up. He eventually appeared over the crest, clutching a stich in his side and dripping sweat.

"You're way to excited about this." he whined.

"I'm sorry but I've literally been waiting for this since I was little." I trilled. "I mean we're about to witness Unicorns crown their new Queen and -"


I burst awake to witness my big brother pummeling the shit out of my boyfriend, who was now in the ground trying to block the blows with his arms.

"Ash stop!!! please, man!" he was begging.

"ASHTON!!! ASHTON GET OFF OF HIM!!!" i shouted trying to throw things at him to get him to quit.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Ash bellowed as he threw another punch at Calum.

"ASHTON STOP!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I shouted, trying to pull his arm back and hold onto it.

"You're too young to know what real love is Jen." he said, his top lip curled back in a snarl.

"Really??? and that bitch girlfriend of yours does? she's known for almost a week and she's been FORCING ME to be her fucking assistant to keep our secret!!!" I shouted back. HE looked at me in bewilderment and i shoved him off Calum nd began to tend to his poor beautifully bruised and bleeding face.

"Oh God, oh god, baby, oh baby shh im here, im right here," i cried, trying to gently dab at the cut on his cheek. i kissed him softly and just held onto him.

"J Bird I'm alright, just a few wounds nothing too serious." he assured me.

"No you're not alright, you're bleeding," i whimpered.

"You're lying, Bry would never do that," Ashton finally said, as i tried to gently dab Calum's cheek

I gritted my teeth and whipped around like a viper. "Oh that's great brotherly behavior Ash; go straight to your girlfriend's defense and call out your sister for being a liar even thought she's never lied to you."

"You've been friends, partying, going to lunch," he said, confused, "I went to carry her bags, to wait on her, get her clothes dry cleaned!!!" i snapped, "now get out, you've done enough.

"Whether, you, like it or not, I love her Ash, end of story," Calum said in a strained voice as he sat up, wincing a bit as i tried to dab his cheek again. I cant believe what ash has done to him.

"I-I-I....but.....Bry said." Ash said.


He climbed to his feet and exited the room, me turning back to Calum, come on, "lets get you cleaned up," i whispered.

"Are you trying to get me into the shower? If you wanted me to get naked all you had to do was ask." he said with a weak smile.

I giggled and shook my head, "If you insist, but can we keep a shower together innocent? giving you my virginity in a shower isn't what i had in mind."

"Not what I had in mind either." He chuckled a little before sighing and hanging his head. "Along with this mornings unfortunate events."

"This is why I was trying to warn you, i knew you'd end of hurt and now i just feel horrible, all because of me," i whimpered, tears slipping from my eyes, making their way down my cheeks.

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