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Shai's POV

Second day being at school. Still not used to the ringing loud bell that always make me jump everytime. Still gets lost in finding classes. Still no friends.

I stretched my arms and legs. It's P.E. Felt like I haven't done any sports in forever. Basketball was my favorite. From the distance I saw the snobby blonde girl whose name I don't know of (and I don't intend to find out) from yesterday, dressed in cheerleading suit along with her five friends, finished doing a choreography. Little did I notice, she and her clique is making her way to me.

"Think you're so cool ha, being a part of the Woodleys" she mocked, chewing her gum.

"Look I want no troubles. im new here and I just want to be friends with everyone."

She smirked. "What do you think everyone here will do? Worship you like some sort of God, because you're *cough* adoptive daughter of the Woodleys?"

I squint my eyes. This girl really is testing me.

"What have I done wrong with you? It's just been my second day here, and you seemed madly irritated."

She fakely yawns.

"Erin, leave her alone" I heard a voice from behind me say. I turn around to see who it is; the very tall boy with hazel brown hair who sat in the front of the class from yesterday. The tall boy, with beautiful face, in his basketball tee. I read the name Elgort at the back of his tee.

"We're good here, Ansel. Aren't we?" She-Erin, suddenly draped her arm around my shoulders.

"Newbie and I just had a little chatty"

I tossed her arm away and shake my head in disgust. Walking my way out of the gym hall, I realize that boy- Ansel, is running behind me.


I turned around.

"Shai, isn't it?" He said, smiling. His voice is soft, and I couldn't deny but he has a really sweet smile.

"yeah" I reply shortly.

"Look, I'm sorry for what ever unpleasant things Erin had said, she's just always salty to the newcomers. Always tried to intimidate"

I laughed, "It's okay, I took none of it by heart. And no, she didn't intimidate me at all. Anyway, you don't need to be sorry for what she has done. She's not even regretting it." I say.

"Well, I just thought, you shouldn't feel uncomfortable being here. It's only been two days and it would be a waste to see a beautiful face leaving so soon."

I laughed again, "Are you always like this to the newbies?"

Ansel laughed and shakes his head, "Let me walk you to the canteen. Let's get something to drink. And later maybe we can talk about my behaviour to the newcomers in which you find discomforting" I nodded and followed him from behind.

Well okay.. Turns out being at school isn't that bad after all..


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