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When I woke up this morning, I woke up to the oddest feeling. In a good way.

I feel new. I feel like I was just being reborn. I felt fresh, I felt clean, I felt so- so me. I really can't wait for what's ahead, what God has planned for me next. But whatever's planned, I'm sure it is for the best.

Helena told me to come to her office, said she wanted me to see her works, and so I prepared myself for it...... Well, not really.

What if she expected me to continue her business? I- am very lack of knowledge. My education- won't ever be compared to other kids.

I clear the thoughts quickly and put on my jeans dungaree after putting on my everyday white shirt. I tied my hair into a ponytail. Gee, my hair's been too long. i'll need to cut it later.

I went down the stairs and slipped my feet to the brown leather boots that Jake got me for my 16th birthday.


How is he?

Curtis's honks awoke me. I quickly got into the car and fifteen minutes later, I arrived in a big and tall silver building.

I did not know what was I really doing when I went in to the entrance. Clearly i've never been to a building before. I turn my body around and whistle casually as I see alot of people dressed neatly in suits and ties, walking fast with documents in their hands. There were sofas nearby where I was sitting.

A lady in a short brown hair and glasses was explaining something on a paper to a bald man next to her. She suddenly caught me and stopped talking to him. I walked again fastly as I see her standing.

I walk to the receptionist, not sure what was I doing.

"Yes?" The lady in the counter said.


"Is there anything I can help, Miss?" I turned around to see the short haired woman smiling unassuringly to me. She eyed me from head to toe, and there was a slight mocking tone in her smile.


"Are you not from here, dear? Are you lost?"

"i'm not" I say. What kind of point is she trying to prove here? That I cant be here cause how I dress?

"Patricia" A deep voice of a man appeared in between our tensed convo. I turned to see who it was; a young handsome man in a suit, his eyes are as brown as his hair. His nose is long, and his eyebrows are right on the point. Thick. Just as thick as his pink lips.

"Yes Sir" The woman in front of me, who now has a name, Patricia, suddenly bowed a bit to him as he walked into us. My brows knitted together. This man in front of me, he's probably ten or twenty years younger than the woman infront of me. Whoever this man is, he must be important.

He, he glanced at me for a second and eyed my clothing too but quickly turned away back to Patricia again.

"I needed you to arrange the meeting room for this afternoon. Our guests are going to be a lot. The presentation will be held in front of bigger crowds than what I've had before." His tone. Deep and serious. Dead serious. The look in his eyes are killers.

"Noted, sir. Will do it."

"What were you doing in here anyways? Should'nt you supposed to be guiding Mr.Palkabott for our project?" He asked her.

Her mouth trembles and she quickly glanced at me, "This girl, sir. I believe she was interrupting our work here-"

"I was not interrupting!" My voice was high pitched, and it sounded like an annoying little girl.

The boys raised his brows at me and I was giving him an annoyed look.

"Then what were you doing here?" Patricia asks.

I can't believe she asked me that. She really is treating me like a garbage.

"What's your name?" She asks again.

"Shailene Di-" I stopped.

If I wanted to be respected, I had to use my parents last name.

"Shailene Woodley." I say bravely, as if it was a weapon against her. Her eyes widened big while he- his brows just raised a bit as he bit his lips.

"You're a liar. Mr and Mrs.Woodley doesn't have any children," She gripped my arm and she was ready to throw me out.

"I would be ashamed if I were-" She stopped talking as the boy spoke aloud.


"Let her go," he demands and she did, making me pull out my tongue on her.

The boy- he smirks, "So you are their daughter."

I nodded.

"Come with me. They've been waiting upstairs" He said cooly, walking away very quickly that I have to do a bit of run to catch him up.

"Wait!" I half shouted as he entered thr elevator. I threw my little my body in quickly inside and he pressed the closed buton.

It was only me and him inside. Hes inches taller than me, and when I try to sneak a glance at him, he was standing straight with his usual serious face and dark glare. I actually wanted to ask alot of things to him. Who is he? How does his knows my adoptive parents? Well, maybe no question to that but how does he know that- Ding. The elevator wide opens and he quickly walked out of it, making me rush behind him again. I did not know what's the thing between him and his very fast walking pace, but it gets me exhausted.

The boy entered a room and I followed behind. He stopped right there and I nearly hit his back. Inside the room was a few number of people, including my adoptive father.

"Theodore," An old man who's standing mext to my father calls the boy in front of me.


"Shailene," my father calls, making me nod.

"Ah...." The old man who called the name of Theodore earlier walked to our direction.

"You're the daughter," He half laughed.

"I'm David James" He lend out his arm, making me had to accept it. The old man patted the boy in front of me,

"And this is my son Theo.., I see you guys have met rachother before the proper introduction in here..." he laughed.

His son, Theo? David James? Isn't David James is the-

The door opens and I see my adoptive mother Helena walks in,

"Shailene...Ah, here you are." She turned to look at how I dressed,

"We're going to talk about how you should have dressed next time." She whispered.

"I'm taking you to the mall after this" She adds and i just roll my eyes.

"Shailene," David James spoke aloud, making me turn to him.

"I suggest you to join Theo's presentation. As one of the audience of course."

I peeked at Theo and his stare just stayed there, didn't move or flinch by his father's words.

"Maybe you can see the real progress of how a real meeting works. And perhaps you can also give feedback on how Theo did his presentation.

I gulp at his offer, once again looking at his son to see if he minds or not. But still, he didn't gave a sign.

"I'll take it" I say as loud as he was.

"I see you've got a brave daughter, Frankie" He laughs a bit.

"No, sir, I was just taking your offer and it's nothing br-"

"Ah, just David, please. And you better prepare yourself, meeting is going to be held in 15 minutes."




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