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"Curtis, drive faster, we needed to get to the airport in ten minutes." The old man says aloud, demanding his driver to drive faster.

"We're already fast honey," his wife says.

"Besides it's almost midnight, it's not safe to be at this speed" She continues.

"Helena dear,we're late. We will not get to catch the plane. You do know I have a meeting with Dave tomorrow evening right. I've got to prepare my presentation."

His wife leans back to the seat, giving up.

"Curtis!" Helena screamed,

"There's a girl there WATCH OUT-"

The car stopped in immediate but it was too late, the girl was already hit by their car.

"Oh my god" Helena shakes her head after the bump.

"Franklin, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, let's- let's check on the person we hit."

Both of them got out of the car as a small teenage girl laid weakly in the street. She's half concious, her eyes are half opened but she can barely move.

"Oh dear" Helena says.

"Curtis, bring her in to the car! We're taking her to the hospital." She demands.

"What about the-"

"Go find a taxi and catch the flight on your own, i'll follow you tomorrow. I'm taking this little lady to the hospital." She says, caressing her forehead.



I woke up in a white room. I look to my right and notices whats happening. Hospital. Who took me here? The last thing that I knew was my head pounding hard after getting hit by a car.

I place my hand carefully to my head and feel that it is wrapped by a thin white cloth.

"Ah, you awoke." The nurse says.

"I'm calling your mom in, she's been very worried, you know" She smiles, before dissapearing from the room.

My brows furrowed at her words. My mom? Waiting? This must be a mistake. I've never met my mom, never in my whole life. It can't be her, waiting outside the room. She won't even be worried, if anything happened to me. But her words still stung to my head.

My mom is here?

The door opens and I took a deep breath. My heart was beating faster as a figure of a woman came into the room.

Short blonde hair, fancy coat, expensive bag, dark grey eyes...

Is she-

"My dear" She says, rushly walking into me.

"I'm so sorry of what had happened. It truly was an accident. But, are you okay?" She strokes my hair and I flinch.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself" She stands straight, lending out her arm.

"I'm Helena, Helena Woodley."

Woodley? This is not my mother. Bedause Woodley is-

She is-

The owner of The Woodley Company. Oh wow,

"I'm Shailene"

"My husband is at his deepest apology for not being here, he had a plane to catch but he was also very sorry for what had happened."

"But are you okay now?" She went closer again, her hand softly caressing my head. This woman is so kind, caring, soft. Definitely a perfect mother figure. I look at her, hoping that she really was my mother. But she is not.

"I'm fine, thank you ma'am. It's such an honor for you to-"

"Oh don't be like that honey. You're so young and pretty, what are you doing in that late night on the streets? Let me take you back to your home."

"I- I'm an orphan" I smile faintly.

She gasped.

"I live in an orphanage. Mary Hills Orpahanage."

She stopped for a moment.

"My dear, i'm so sorry to hear... I cannot bear seeing you on the street like that."

"It's a usual thing for me" I say lightly.

"Shailene honey, will you.... Will you mind if I adopt you as my daughter? See I cannot have a children and my husband and I have been wanting a child for years."

I gasped at her offer. This is all happening too fast. Me, adopted by the Woodleys?

I remembered how my life was in the orpahanage. It was not miserable, I had fun. Bonnie and all the kids were part of my family. And also Jake.

But I needed a challenge in my life. I wanted a change. What if this change will be for good?

I look at her straightly in the eyes,



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