Chapter 8: ♫ Dazzling Girl ♫

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"Don't you look gorgeous~" Micha cooed when she saw me coming down the stairs "Taemin will die for you~"

"Yeah as if" I scoffed with a eye roll "I don't look that nice"

"That's a lie! You look absolutely stunning! Now stand over here so we can take a few pictures" Micha insisted as she didn't leave me a choice.

After a few pictures the sound of the bell broke the small photoshoot. Taking a peep through the hole I opened it to reveal a dashing looking Minho with a shy Taemin behind him.

I was right Minho looked smitten by how Micha looked but my gaze was soon torn off them when Taemin held my hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of my hand softly "I got you something"

"Oh?" Raising a eyebrow at him as he took out a little package. When opening it I smiled softly when I saw a corsage "wow, I'm surprised you got one that matches my prom dress"

"Ah I'm guilty I asked Micha what colour your prom dress was" Taemin said with a sheepish smile as he took the corsage out of its box "may I?" After a nod from the corsage he carefully placed it on my wrist.

"It's beautiful thank you"

"Don't mention it" Taemin smiled shyly "you honestly look beautiful in your prom dress.

I was about to reply but was cut off by a squeal "cute! You two are so cute~" Micha cooed as she lift her phone up "picture time before we go!"
Taemin and I looked at each other unsure on how to pose but Micha came to the rescue and physically put us in the 'perfect position' as she said. I could feel my cheeks flush when I felt Taemin's arms wrapping around. Y waist. Taking a sneaky peek behind me I saw he was just as flustered but obviously Micha was oblivious to it as she took a few pictures.

After convincing Micha to leave we arrived to a gorgeous hotel. I kept my eyes down as we made our way to the room which held our prom. I felt Taemin link our arms together which made me look up to see him smiling "this is okay right?"

I just nodded in response with a smile as my other hand came to rub his arm softly.

The room itself was nice. Having a nice red velvet Capet with nice white round circular tables along with a huge dance floor. The walls were carved to have a beautiful patterns to them. However a voice broke me away from my admiration and made me turn to look at that direction "Taemin! (Y/n)! Over here!" Key smiled as he walked over to hug Taemin then hug me which made me flinch from the unexpected action "you both look great! Omo Minho and Micha! You both look fabulous!" Key greeted them two before leading us to the table where Onew, Jonghyun and their dates were. I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt to see Jonghyun and Siran even though I keep telling myself I'm over him I don't like him. I like Taemin. Taemin is nice. Yes I like Taemin. Not jonghyun. Taemin.

Jonghyun's POV
My eyes widened when I saw (y/n), she looked amazing in her prom dress. She looked amazing overall. I greeted her but all I got was a small smile before she looked back down. That's all she did when I spoke to her or made a joke, she would look down or stare at Taemin or at Micha or at Onew or at Key or Minho, anyone but me. It annoyed me, why won't she talk to me? Is she still mad with me for practically not talking to her for months?

"Jjong?" a voice broke my trail of photos and looked at the owner of the voice.

"Ah sorry did you say something jagi?"

"I said let's dance! Look at Taemin and (y/n) dancing! I want to dance too!" Siran said as she tugged at my arm.

My eyes widened at what Siran said '(y/n) dancing?!' I looked over and indeed she was dancing. She looked so happy dancing with Taemin but I also felt annoyed because she said she couldn't and wouldn't dance when I asked her those months ago but here she is freely dancing with Taemin.

"Oppa~" Siran whined as she pulled me up and dragged me to the dance floor.

(y/n) POV
For once I was actually enjoying myself as I danced. I finally understood what Taemin said earlier about dancing being his escape from the world. That was until I saw them dancing. I shook my head of the thought and just moved my position so the view of them was blocked out by Taemin dancing.

After a while of dancing my feet started hurting a lot due the damn heels, I made my way to sit out in the balcony as it was getting really hot and stuffy in the room. Luckily there wasn't anyone there. The fresh air relaxed me making me close my eyes and let the air kiss my face.

I was so relaxed I didn't even feel the hand on my shoulders until I heard the person speak "(y/n)? You okay?"

I mentally groaned 'out of all people it had to be Jonghyun didn't it?' "Oh y-yeah I'm fine just having a breather you know?"

"Mm I do... " He heard rustling of fabric and next thing I knew he was sitting beside me 'yay' (Y/n)? Are you mad at me?"

I remained silent and kept my eyes closed as I let the fresh air smother me in hopes of him giving up to to talk to me and go back to Siran. I wasn't so lucky. "(Y/n) are you mad at me? Why are you mad at me if you are?"

"I'm not"

"You are, you haven't spoken to me at all and when I speak to you, you give me a simple reply and go back to talk to Taeminnor someone else, why?" His voice was calm but I could hear the anger seeping through.

"So I give you a direct simple answer instead of kicking around the bush. Oh FYI Taemin is my prom date not you so I don't see why it's a problem if I talk to him after talking to you. Talking about Taemin I should get back to him" Without saying anything else I stood up but as soon as I took a few steps I felt a strong grip on my arm "Let. Go." I growled and looked back over my shoulder at him.

"No I haven't finished talking to you, we need to talk" Jonghyun said through gritted teeth as he tried to remain calm.

"We have nothing to talk about." I said bluntly and ripped my hand from his grip but before I could even make another step I felt a tug on my arm making me stumble back. I felt my body falling backwards and into a strong arm. Instinctively I put my free arm around none other then Jonghyun's neck as the other arms was still in Jonghyun's hold "I can't walk in heels you idiot! I could've broken a ankle!" I couldn't stop myself from shouting at him even though our faces were literally centimetres away.

"Sorry... But we do need to talk" Jonghyun said softly.

"We have nothing to talk about"

"(Y/n) please... I don't want to lose my best friend..."

"You lost your best friend ages ago Jonghyun..."

"I'll make it up to you... Please give me a second chance...?" Jonghyun asked as he released my arm and brushed a hair off my face.

I didn't know how to reply I just looked away with my face heating up but I felt two fingers making me look back at him. His eyes were beautiful and I somehow found myself lost in them. Everything else became blocked out until I felt soft plump lips against mine. My eyes closed as our lips slipped easily against each other. At first it was soft shy kisses but it soon became heated and passionate. My heart melted as butterflies exploded in my stomach. I lost track of time but when he pulled away allowing both of us to breathe I just stared at him with a dreamy smile until the realisation hit me like a bag of bricks. Without a second thought I pushed him away as I stood up straight.

I heard him call my name as I tried walking as fast as I can in a dress and heels. As soon as I was out of the building I gave up on the heels. Taking them off I held them in one hand and started running back home. It was late and dark outside but I didn't care I was too upset of what just happened to care about the dangers on the road. I kept running and running as my tears smudged my make up.

Once home I hastily locked the door behind me and threw my shoes down into the living room and rushed upstairs. It's not like I'm waking anyone up anyway. Dad's probably at 'work'. Not caring about my make up or dirty feet I changed out of the hellish dress and into shorts and oversized tee before curling into a tight ball under the duvet as my tears kept flowing down my cheeks. 'Why'd he have to kiss me? Why now when I was learning to get over him? Why?'

(A/N: Sorry for the really late update I'll try to update more often!)

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