Chapter 2 - Protector

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The shooting felt like it never came to an end

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The shooting felt like it never came to an end. (Y/N) was trapped inside her apartment, because she was too afraid to go outside in the fear of getting shot and killed by the Civil Protection. When the judgement waiver was on, no citizen was safe from bullets. If one was seen outside running, they would get shot immediately within seconds. (Y/N) had seen that before in the previous cities she had lived in, so she decided to be smart and stay inside. When the moment was right, she peeked out the window down to the streets. The view was miserable; unarmed, dead citizens lying on the ground. Combine soldiers ran towards the Citadel, shooting everything that moved. If those soldiers were requested into a fight, it always meant that the situation was highly serious, or even worse, out of control. (Y/N)'s focus was lost when she heard Combine radio chatter and heavy footsteps on the second floor. They broke a locked door and crashed inside an apartment. "Citizen. Out. Now!" A unit yelled loudly, which was followed by a static sound from a stun stick. They were escorting the citizens to the railway station, and to put it bluntly, straight to their deaths. (Y/N) knew that she had to leave immediately, so she ran to the door and opened it before she dashed to the lobby, almost falling over while walking down the stairs.

Two units stopped (Y/N) at the entrance and asked her to apply just to make sure that she wasn't associated with the resistance movement. "Citizen. Stay behind me. We are going outside. Do exactly as I say, and you might even survive the open fire and make it to the station." A unit told her, who was perhaps the same medic that helped her out before. However, his voice sounded more serious than ever before, even unfamiliar to (Y/N)'s ear. He was holding a combat rifle in his hands which appeared to had taken some damage already. Beside him stood an Overwatch soldier, who had much heavier gear than an ordinary Civil Protection unit. "Could you please tell me what exactly is going on outside? Why is the judgement waiver in effect?" (Y/N) asked before the soldier opened the door and looked at the medic. "Officer Apex. Now." He emitted, signaling the medic to step through the door. "Keine Zeit." The medic answered (Y/N) shortly before he and the other unit dashed out with a few other remaining citizens who were from the same apartment building, leaving (Y/N) slightly behind them.

When (Y/N) saw the others leave, she, of course, followed them since the medic told her to do so. The situation outside was chaotic. Resistance members were approaching the Nexus, which was the hardpoint of the Metropolice Force which operated in the city. Its barriers were already breached and taken down. Running felt difficult and heavy, since (Y/N) couldn't even remember the last time she actually ran. But this time, she was running for her life. The medic, who was running a bit ahead of (Y/N), used his radio communication device while he ran, seemingly requesting immediate backup. All of the sudden, a rocket fell nearby, exploding within a millisecond. Everything went dark for a moment, and (Y/N) found herself on the ground, feeling a sharp pain as the crumbled concrete under her hurt her left rib cage and cheek. Even if she barely had energy left for moving, she managed to turn her head to see how her surroundings were. All of the other citizens who were significantly closer to the blast were heavily injured by the overpressure that was caused by the rocket, and the Overwatch soldier who was the closest one to the blast appeared to be lifeless.

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