Thunder in LA

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As I stood up in my seat, that I had just spent 11 hours sitting in from my flight from Ireland to L.A., I glanced at my watch to see what time it was. It read 12:00 am.

I was tired as fuck and was honestly regretting ever coming to L.A. at this time. I got no sleep at all during the flight as I was sat next to a woman who could not control her 2 children, who would not stop crying and fighting with each other.

As I shuffled off the plane with my singular rucksack I decided it would be best to go grab some coffee to attempt to wake myself up a bit, and so I headed for the nearest coffee place in the airport. There was a small coffee machine beside one of the larger shops near the entrance, so to avoid any human contact, I just went to it. Whilst I sipped on the coffee, that tasted honestly like liquid cardboard, I began to walk towards the entrance of the airport.

I knew the weather wasn't going to be the best whilst I was here but I didn't expect the rain and thunder to start so soon. As I stepped outside into the crisp, frosty air, I looked up to see a vast, dark, rain cloud rolling over the sky. I sighed at the thought of it raining, mostly because I didn't bring a raincoat with me.

"Weeeeeell shit. I so should have brought my umbrella with me." I whined to myself as I looked around to see if I could see Matt and Ryan, who were picking me up.

I sighed in frustration. No sign of them yet.

I came to the conclusion that they were probably stuck in traffic. I had come to learn that Los Angeles was busy 24/7 and no matter what the time was, you were probably gonna get stuck in traffic at some point.

"It's worth it Sean. You know HE's worth it." I thought to myself with a shiver as it started to thunder it down with rain. The rain was then followed by thunder and lightning, causing the skies above LA to light up even more than they usually did.

After 15 long minutes of standing in the pouring rain, Matt and Ryan finally pulled up in front of me and honked the car horn to get my attention. As soon as I saw the car I ran straight for it, I was absolutely freezing. Ryan was the first to talk as I slammed the door shut.

"Hey, Jack. Sorry to keep you waiting. There's traffic works at the end of our street right now and they were pretty bad tonight." He informed Jack with a smile as he pulled out of the space and began to drive to our destination.

I glared at him in the rearview mirror. "You could have called me and told me that you were gonna be late. Y'know." I was trying to not sound like I was too mad at them, even though I really was. 

"I did try calling you. Several times in fact, but you never answered." Matt replied back in defense.

As he said that I quickly pulled out my phone only to realize that it was still on Airplane Mode. As soon as I turned it off I got all the notifications from Matt and Ryan.

"Shit. Sorry, didn't realize my phone was still on Airplane Mode. Anyways, any idea how long it's gonna take to get to Mark's?" I eagerly said as I put my seatbelt on. 

"Well with this weather it's gonna take like 30 minutes to maybe an hour if the traffic is still bad. I know this is going to be a stupid question to ask now, but, are you sure you still wanna do this Jack?" Matt replied as he turned round and chucked a towel back to me. 

"Of course I'm still gonna do it. I did not just fly all the way from Ireland to LA for nothing. I need to tell Mark face to face." I laughed as I dried off my green hair with the towel.

I peered out the window and looked up at the thundering rain. It seemed to be calming down a little. That's a good sign, right?

While we continued the drive, Ryan turned on the car radio to try and lighten everyone's mood, but nothing good was playing at this time of night so he just turned it off and decided to play music from his phone through Matt's speaker.

While the traffic was ground to a halt Ryan turned to face me with a smile. "You got any song requests Jack? I'll listen to anything other than Justin Bieber." He said as he passed his phone back to me.

I took the phone from Ryan's hand and typed in "B.O.Y.B by System of a Down" and listened as the song began to play through Matt's Bluetooth speaker.

"Fuck yes! good song choice Jack." Ryan chuckled.

"Yeh. Thought you would have put Taylor Swift or something like that on ." Matt joked as Ryan, and I danced along to the song. When the traffic began to move more Ryan faced the front again and drove forward with the rest of the cars.

"THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR!!" We all sang out as the song came to an end, I forgot how much I actually missed hanging out with Matt and Ryan until that moment, it was great fun, but sadly reality had to hit me at some point.

 The reality was, was that we were now 10 minutes away from Mark's house...And I had no clue what the fuck I was going to say to him when we got there.

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