"I'm Sorry...

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**A WEEK EARLIER**  (part 1)


As usuaI I was spending my evening talking to Jack on Skype. We were talking about Vidcon next week and what the plan for it was, well, to be honest, it was Jack who was talking about it.
I wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying because I was too busy daydreaming. Daydreaming about what?  I hear you cry. Well honestly? I was thinking about Jack, he was just so perfect. I could get lost in his ocean blue eyes for hours.

That's when Jack said something, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh fuck. What did he say?." I panicked to myself.

"Did you even hear me? I said if it would be alright if I stayed at your house next week for Vidcon?" Jack giggled as he spoke.

I felt my face go hot with embarrassment.

"Sorry, my mind was on a completely different planet for a moment there. And hell yeah. I mean yeah sure if you want to. " I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck in an attempt to hide my red face.

Why would he want to stay at my house? Why would someone as fucking amazing as Jack want to stay at a loser like me's house?

"Woo! Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate it. I really didn't want to have to deal with trying to find a hotel at such short notice, plus I enjoyed staying at your house last time. But anyways I've booked my flight for the 20th of June at 9:00 am my time so I'll probably arrive in LA around about 12 pm your time depending." Jack excitedly cheered to me with a smile. "Oh and also, it's fine. I have a bad habit of drifting off in the middle of conversations as well, so it's fine," he added on with a smile.

Fuck he was perfect.

"Yeh, that's fine. I can pick you up from the airport as well then. I mean, only if you want me too?" I cleared my throat and smiled back at him with a small, embarrassed laugh.

"Really? Oh my gosh yes! That would be perfect! Seriously Mark thank you so much." Jack said with a smile. "I'm glad you're my friend Mark. Really glad" He quietly added.

We ended up talking for nearly 3 hours after that about like what we were gonna do while at Vidcon and other random shit. I could talk to him all day and not get tired but soon Jack said he had to go which made me upset. 

"Shit!" I thought. Now was my chance. My chance to tell Jack how I feel. It was eating me up inside, It had been for 2 fucking years. Was it a spur of the moment decision to tell him now? Yes. I've loved him for 2, and to be honest, it has been slowly killing me every day knowing that he has no idea how I feel about him. He'll probably just think I'm crazy but it's worth a shot, I can pretend that I was tired or something and anyway he might feel the same...

He was about to end the call but I quickly stopped him. 

"Hey Jack, before you go. Can I tell you something? It's really important, well not that important but, It's important to me okay." My voice started to crack and I hadn't even told him yet.

"Yeh sure, what is it?" Jack replied with a smile.

"Well, I don't actually know how to say this without making myself sound weird, b-but here goes nothing." I took a deep breath in and just let everything roll off of my tongue. "Jack. Over the past 2 years, I've had these feelings for you, feelings that I don't know how to word them myself. I'd call it love to myself but saying it out loud makes it sound weird but I suppose I do. Jack. I-I love you. I'm glad I can call you my best friend, when we play online together or even just talk to each other, like tonight, it makes me so fucking happy and you make me smile more than anything else in this world-."

He's Worth It...Right? || Septiplier || Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu