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Well, it's still not an update, but I will try and get one up today. If you're not interested in politics and stuff, just skip the first bit in bold. If you're not into Dan and Phil, skip the second bit in italics xD

If you're in Britain atm, then I'm guessing you're either celebrating or crying your eyes out. Yeah, me too. For those who aren't in Britain, we had a referendum yesterday on whether or not we should leave the UN, and apparently the majority voted to leave.

Our prime minister is standing down, leaving us with Boris Johnson (basically our equivalent of Trump), the pound is now worth three times less, and the government can now rewrite laws on Human Rights, immigration and trade.

In other words, if you're poor like me, you're going to get even poorer and die. Our country is doomed.

(When I originally published this, the Dan and Phil bit got deleted XD)

So the Valentines Day video is an April Fool's prank they set up where Phil made a video about how much he loves Dan. He talks about the firt time they kissed, all the happy times they spent together and stuff like that. It's honestly the sweetest video ever.

They didn't publish it because they decided it would be too mean for the fans, but YouTube glitched and published it. Someone posted it to Tumblr without any context, so everyone thought Phan was real and stuff. Phil and Dan have been trying to get it deleted on every website, and encouraging everyone to report it and stuff. It can be quite hard to find, so idk how my friend found it.

Also, if you can even be bothered to read this far down, I've hit 50 chapters apparently, so *drum roll* book 2 will hopefully be out soon! Unfortunately I've lost my cover making app, so I've decided to hold a contest xD

If you really feel bored and want to create one, it would be much appreciated!

I'm not going to make it formal and say 'have it in by the 30th', but if one of you makes one soonish, you might be the new face of 60's Texts. Good Luck if you do feel like entering!

So, that's it from me, hope we're all surviving. Baiiiii xx

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