Chap. 1: I am visiting you

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Chapter 1: I am visiting you

*Kat's POV*

It's been about 9 years, so I decided to come visit him for the last time.

"Hey Dad, it's been a while huh?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Look, I know we haven't seen each other in a long time, so I just wanted to tell you a few things. You know, Catch up?" I said "Well I guess I'll be the only one talking. Not much happens around hear huh?" I chuckled a bit.

Nothing really goes on around where he lived, not many people in his life.

He still doesn't say anything. Well I guess I should have expected it. I guess you could say he was a 'timid' kind of guy.

"Well to start things off, Mum got a new boyfriend. His name is Jack, I think. But me and him aren't really close." I paused "Well, neither are me and Mum. In fact, I've been spending more time with Kaleigh than her." I laughed.

Me and Kaleigh have been best friends ever since she moved from America to London, four years ago. I moved from Ireland to London when I was 17.

"Moving on, right now I'm not in school but I'm planning on going to the University of London. I'm kind of taking a break from school, and mom is making me move out." I frowned

Still nothing from my dad...

"Uh, I don't have a boyfriend or anything close, unless you count a best friend." I stated "Most of my hobbies are drawing, singing, and reading. I like marshmallows dipped in Nutella, and my new favorite animal is a fox."

Ok, I admit, now I'm just stating random facts about myself.




"Anyways I just wanted to tell you that and catch up" I said while getting up

"I love you Dad" I said softly

I had to imagine him saying

"I love you too Kat, thanks for coming"

I sighed as I placed the flowers I bought on the ground in front of him and walk back to my car.

I looked back at his grave, and I felt my eyes watering. I quickly wiped the tears away and got in my car.

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