Chap. 2: I am remembering

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*Kat's POV*

"Man, I love me some ice cream." I said in a Texan accent.

We were sitting in front of Denny's Ice Cream Parlor. Denny is a good friend of mine. Kaleigh and I went to his shop every Saturday. He and my dad used to be best mates, so of course Kaleigh and I became friends with him too.

"How come you say that every time we come here." She asked.

"I don't know, probably because it's true." I answered.

"Let's go back to our game." She said while throwing away her napkin.

Our 'Game' is basically when we try to hear other people's conversations, just in case we hear some secret information and get to become spies. Which rarely happens.

"Fine. Now hush" I told her.

We both listened to different people while walking down the busy street. Every once in a while we would stop and listen while pretending to be interested in a building or something in a shop's window.

"Why did you even make him the scarf if he's just going to feed it to his ostrich?" a lady on her phone said.

We hardly ever listen to people ont he phone because its much too confusing, we walked on.

A little boy, that looked to be about five, was crouching over a box. A man in a t-shirt stood over him while smiling. I peered into the box and saw it contained about eight kittens. Half of them were white and half of them were black. Kaleigh gently lifted up the red blanket in the box, to reveal a smaller gray kitten. It must have been the runt.

"daddy, look! theres another little kitty!" the little boy squealed.

I gasped as memories from my childhood came back


"Hi I'm Kat." I said to a seven year old Niall, with a slightly taller Greg pushing past us to get into the house.

I was moving in right next to him, and boy was I excited to make a new friend!

"Like... kitty kat?" he asked

"No, like short for Katherine, Kat. But if you ever call me that, I will go all ninja on you." I said and we both laughed.

"ok, well I'm Niall. And my nickname for you shall be... Kitty!" he announced proudly.

"Only I shall have the honor of calling you by this name, promise?" He held up his pinky.

"I promise!" I said with a straght face. Then we both skipped up the steps into my new house.


Never once has anyone called me Kitty and gotten away with it since then, except Niall of course.

That was almost 13 years ago. Back then my dad was alive, and my mom wasnt the sour drunk she is today. She lost her job almost immediately after we'd found out my dad had died in the war, and all the jobs she applied for denied her. For some reason she took it out on me. Almost everyday she would beat me with a belt or her bare hands. I was never able to make friends at school, they would always ask about the scars, most of them I had done to myself.

Kaleigh put her hand on my shoulder, shaking me out of my little daze. I looked up at her worried face.

Was I standing here for that long?

"Wup! sorry, just got a little lost in my brain." I smiled.

She smiled and picked up the little runt kitten.

"We should keep it, I bet mummy would say ok" she said.

"I don't know Kaleigh. We should call her" I suggested "tell her that the kitten will help us gain responsibility" and she nodded in response.


"We have a kitten! We have a kitten!" we sang as we skipped down the street, completely forgetting about our game.

I am kitty, hear me roarWhere stories live. Discover now