Chap. 12: I am nervous

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*Kat's POV*

I didn't know what to do. I just pulled out my phone, and snapped a picture. I was having second thoughts about who to send it to.

Genesis? I don't want to be the one to tell her... maybe I should tell the boys and they can tell her...

I nodded to myself and gathered everybody that wasn't drunk. They looked at me questionably.

"I... Um... Here." I gave up and showed them the picture.

Liam and Niall looked like they were about to explode. Zayn looked extremely aggravated and mad. Kaleigh and Louis were... oh wow, passed out.

"What the hell?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, I just saw Harry kissing this girl so a took a picture and I didn't know who to send it to so I decided to just tell you guys and I really hope you know what to do because I am super confused and I don't want to be the one to tell genesis because I haven't known her for that long even though we've been texting like, this whole month but, I don't want her to think I faked it or something and I know she trusts you guys so could you please tell her?" I asked quickly.

"It's fine, but you should tell her. you know, girl talk and stuff, but right now we should get these two home" he gestured to Kaleigh and Louis.

I nodded and walked over to Kaleigh and put her arm around my shoulder.

Liam and Niall still looked angry, but got Louis on his feet and we managed to get them into the car.

"What about Harry?" I asked.

"He knows the way home. plus he seems kind of... busy" Zayn said sourly.

We all got in the car and drove away.

"So, how do we tell Genesis?" I asked.

"Um, well pretty much all we have to choose from is through text or call..." Liam answered.

"Let's call her" I said and I pulled out my phone.

(A/N: let's just pretend it is noon where Genesis is kay?)

She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Kat, what's up?" she asked.

"Oh um, well I have something to tell you" I said nervously. ugh, it's like I'm breaking up with her or something...

"Well now I'm kinda scared..." she joked.

"Haha, yeah. so tonight me and Kaleigh and the boys went to a club, and I went to the bathroom, and I came back and saw..." I paused.

"Saw what?" Genesis asked.

"Erm, I uh... I saw Harry kissing a girl" I sighed,"Oh my god that was the hardest thing I've ever had to say..."

I waited minute, "Genesis? are you okay?"

I heard her cough, "um, yeah I'm fine... I just, have to go. Thanks for telling me" she said weakly before hanging up.

I sighed and looked at the boys sadly, "she hung up..." I said and sulked until we got back to the hotel.

I got Kaleigh into the room and put her in bed. I quickly changed and got in my separate bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

How is Genesis handling it? What is she doing right now? Is he talking to Harry? Did they break up? Did she forgive him? Ugh, I'm such a worrier...


Hey.... I just posted this chapter because this really nice girl commented a bunch and I didn't exactly want a riot talking place at my house... ok anyways, what do you think Gould happen in the next chapter? I don't really want this whole story to be about Genesis and Harry, but my dumb sister keeps on doing stuff like this! I promise next chapter won't be a about Genesis. Maybe just how she reacted or something. should I do Genesis' POV? naw, you can just read her book if you want that... I have a list of things to do on the tour and after the tour and I want everything to happen even if I have to make all of the chapters fillers :D aha just kidding! okay, so... I reached the voting goal, but only that one person commented. just a bunch of times aha ;) and I think this time we should go for 8 votes and 5 comments yeah? ALRIGHT! :) this chapter is dedicated to dainy1234because she is so sweet and she comment bunches last chapter :D

Goodbye my children :)

-Naomi <3

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