Chap. 19 (part 2): I am awkward

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Ok I realize the last (chapter?) was a little overdramatic, but hey, I was twelve, now I'm thirteen (casually adding this months later...) anyways ^.^
*Kat's POV*

I woke up and right away my head started pounding. I grabbed my head and tried to remember last night. I remember trick-or-treating. I remember Joey, Kaleigh, Shane, Lisa, Harry, and Niall. Ugh, I have to face Niall today.

My head felt like it would explode. All of a sudden I heard muffled screaming. I ground as my headache worsened. I twisted around in my bed, silently begging for the noise to stop, only to wince and hold my breath at the pain. It felt like there was a rock band inside my head, with dinosaurs as background dancers. Ha that sounds weird... Ow.

I screamed again for the noise to stop and suddenly Niall was at my side, with a worried look on his face.

"Help, water, head, meds, now," I whimpered.

He nodded and soon was back with some aspirin and water. After taking the pain reliever I sat up and waited for the pain to go away, with my legs hanging off my bunk.

"Who was screaming?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"Besides you? The fans. I'll go ask them to leave. It'll probably start a riot though," Niall joked.

I looked at him. Does he not remember last night? Did he forgive me? Wait, what did I do? I should be the one mad at him!

I laid back down on my bunk without answering. He frowned disappointed, and left. I soon heard wild screams, then they finally died down.

"Where is everyone?" I asked when Niall came back.

"I don't know sightseeing and guessing." He answered. He sat down on the bunk right across from mine and the bus got awkwardly quiet.

"So..." I sighed, "what's up?"

I mentally face palmed. That's like the number one way to start an awko taco conversation.

"Nothing much. We have a concert tonight you know." He answered. Why is he so good at making awkward conversations un-awkward? Cause I'm just here like:

"Oh cool..." I answered stupidly.

He smiled and I blushed. I was calm on the outside, but my brain was having a fit on the inside.

Can someone explain to me why I just blushed? And why I still am? I need to be mad. Or sad. Or mad. Ok. Yes. Mad. Got it. Don't talk. Wait what-

"What about last night?" I blurted. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

He sighed, like he was expecting it.

"Oh umm... I-I'm sorry about that. I know I'm just a f-friend now. I overreacted. I don't even know why I reacted like that. I'm just sorry." He blushed.

I exhaled a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "Uh ok. Well I'm sorry too..." I answered.

"what for? It was completely my fault. I was being stupid."

"For umm, ignoring you, causing drama, part of it was my fault too ya know." I answered.

"Fair enough. But if anyone asks, it was all my fault." He said.

"Alright..." I said, the awkwardness returning.

We glanced around the room awkwardly until my phone buzzed. I looked down and saw it was a text from Joey, or the bae apparently.

The bae: hi :P

Me: hie :) what's up buttercup?

The bae: nothing much... Buttmunch? (Bad at this)

I am kitty, hear me roarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang