Chap. 8: I am confused

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*Kats POV*

"Ah! My dream was real!" I heard Niall say, waking me up. He took a sandwich from Genesis and started eating it.

"Hey guys? I'm gonna take Kat somewhere and were gonna catch up today, we'll meet you an hour before soundcheck though." Niall called as the bus came to a stop in front of the hotel, finishing the last breakfast sandwich and pulling Me out of the bus.

"I love you!" I heard Genesis whisper, stretching a hand out towards us, collapsing to the ground in tears as She crawled after us. I laughed and followed Niall off the bus.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked as we walked in to the hotel.

"We are just going to run around the hotel for a while." He answered.

"Ok, but hold up." I stopped walking, "I need to get my sweater from the bus"

I left him waiting there while I got my sweater. I walked back to the hotel but stopped when I heard Harry and Zayn's voices.

"You know there's no room for them on the bus."

"I know.. I just... I don't know how to tell her."

"A stitch in time saves nine."

"Are you okay?"

"It means, it's better to fix problems while they are still small than to wait until they are even bigger."

What? We aren't staying? But... I thought... Since I just found Niall again...

I walked up to Niall with tears in my eyes.

"Niall, why didn't you tell me?" I asked weakly.

"Woah, what?" He asked," tell you what?"

"That we can't stay" I answered, i felt warm tears steaming down my face,"I thought I had found you, for good this time... But I guess I'm losing you again?"

"No, no!" He opened his arms, I wrapped mine around his waist and put my head on his shoulder, "I'll find a way for you to stay. I don't think the girls will be able to come with us too though..." He assured

"What about kaleigh?" I asked

"She'll stay too! It will be fine, trust me. I'm never letting you go again." He hugged me tighter.

"Never again"


Awe, so cute.

Anywho, as you already know, I can't update that often. So sorry :(

I will try to update by tomorrow...

Also, you should really listen to Little mix's new song: about the boy

Ahaha, Perrie's high note! ;P

Kk, byeeee!

-Naomi N.

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