Chap. 20: I am giving up and going home

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Hey umm... well I thought I said somewhere that I wasn't going to be updating anymore... was it Instagram? yeah I think so. But anyway It's because I'm writing a new book called 'Its like a broken record'. But I'm not deleting this story. I will update every once in a while and once I'm done with my other books I will start this one up again. I still have this whole thing planned out, but I think the whole 'Joey' thing really caught me off guard. I wasn't planning it and I think I was a little crazy at zee time. jk

Anyway, I told my sister that I was just going to go back and delete everything about Joey, but I didn't. I just- umm... Read on I guess :/


Chapter 20: I am giving up and going home

"Oh my golly!" I yelped. "I have to go, Thank you both so much. I had a great time, can't wait to see you both again. Joey thanks for inviting me. Tyler, It's a pleasure to meet you, I'll probably fan girl about meeting you later, but then get over it so..."Tyler giggled and I hugged them both before taking the short walk back to the tour bus.

"Kaleeeeiiiiggggh!" I called as I entered the bus. I passed the boys as they took turns playing FIFA. "Hi boys. Bye boys." They yelled some nonexistent words when I passed in front of their precious TV, causing me to roll my eyes.

I found Kaleigh sleeping in the back of the bus. "Kaleigh!" I whisper/yelled. "Poke, poke, poke." I said as I poked her.

"Ugh, umm, yeah?" she yawned. "Do you want to know where I've been?" I asked, not exactly caring about her answer. "Where have you been? Wait, start from last night." She said.

We sat down on a tiny sofa in the back of the bus. "Okay, so basically, well not really, when we first arrived at the club Niall was being a doody head, so I left him and I met these people. Their names were Shane, Lisa, and Joey. We all became friends and I am officially dating Joey. Don't interrupt. Rude." I said when Kaleigh opened her mouth to talk.

I continued my story, "Then they had to leave, so I went back to where Niall was because you had just passed out. And he was being very annoying and wouldn't talk to me so I just sat down next to Harry and told him everything and he kept saying that I was being stupid or something and that Niall was jealous. But he had no reason to be because we are just friends. So I yelled at him and Niall got mad and stormed out and Harry followed him and I just cried and drank and used a napkin as a diary. Then today I woke up with a hangover and-"

Kaleigh interrupted me. "Whoa whoa whoa. First of all, Ah! You have a boyfriend? Is he nice? Is there a chance he'll cheat on you? What does he do for a living? Are you planning on a long or short term relationship? Does he hang out in the 'wrong crowd'? What color eyes does he have? What color hair does he have? Is he cute? Is he funny? And second of all, you have a boyfriend? No. No. No. Not allowed. Louis and I already planned you and Niall's wedding. And yes, He ships Kiall too. So NO!"

I raised my eyebrow. "First of all, I SAID NO INTERUPPTING RUDE!! And second of all, yes, I hope not, YouTube, I don't know, no, blue, brown with a hint of blonde, heck yes, heck yes again. And third of all, really? Niall and I will never happen. It's not like I'm gonna marry Joey, or Niall for that matter. Me and Niall are bestest friendsies and he doesn't like me back anyway." I crossed my arms over my chest and turned away.

"Aha!" Kaleigh poked my cheekbone, "You said like me back. You admitted you like Niall!" she screamed extremely loudly. I smacked my hand over her mouth and felt my face turn a deep shade of red. "Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me." Even though you just screamed it out. And it's not a valid secret. Kaleigh winked and beckoned me to continue my story.

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